Chapter 78 - Knowing Brothers Ep. 131 | Guests: Go Ara and Kim Myung-soo (L)

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"JAMES!!" , "OPPA!!"

"Eh?" James had just jumped out of the car and was already running towards the entrance of the JTBC building when he heard people suddenly screaming and shouting his name. James is running a little bit late for the filming of the next episode of Knowing Brothers.

"JAMES!! OPPA!!" the fans continued to shout and scream even more as they started to frantically wave their hands when they saw that James noticed them and looked in their direction. There are already a number of security personnel of JTBC who are kinda barricading the group of 20-30 fans.

"Omo..." James shyly laughed as he stopped and bowed to greet them. "Are you guys looking for Heechul hyung or Myungsoo hyung? I think they're already inside..." he said to the fans of Heechul and Myungsoo, and he kinda needed to shout a little bit because they were far away from him.

"Ani!! We're waiting for you!" , "We came to see you!!", "We're your fans!" the fans replied and as it turns out, they were his fans. The fans were feeling excited as they were now conversing with James.

"Eh?!... jinjja?... t-this never happens..." James shyly smiled and blushed a little after finding out they were his fans. He is very surprised to see a group of people waiting outside of JTBC to see him. The fans find it cute that James seems to be panicking a little with this new experience of having a group of fans waiting to see him. Then suddenly...

"JAMES OPPPAAAAA!!! SARANGHAEEEEE!!!" one extra loud fan shouts from the top of her lungs.

James got startled for a bit but he quickly replied and shouted back to that fan, "Nado saranghae~... but I told you to stay in the trunk of the van".

Everyone erupted in laughter, even the security personnel of JTBC who were guarding the fans. James then also breaks and starts laughing with everyone.

"Oppa! Can we have a photo together?" , "Can we get an autograph?", "Oppa we have gifts for you!!" the fans shouted as their excitement level rises up.

"Uh..." James is having second thoughts because he is really running late but he also really wants to grant the requests of his fans who waited for him. In fact, James is already wearing his school uniform for the show. But then, James  never rejects a fan who wants an autograph or a photo whenever he meets one when he is out in public.

"Mianhaeyo~ but I'm really late for the filming because I went straight here from a voice acting gig and we got stuck in traffic on the way here~" James bowed as he politely apologized and explained. "But uh... I guess I can have like a quick group photo with all of you and I will upload it later in SNS/IG so you guys can see it too~" he then offers an alternative.

"NEEEE!!!~~~" his fans happily and excitedly accepted his offer.

James handed his phone to Yeonhee to take the photo. He then happily walks over to his fans to do the group photo. The security guards tightened up and became more alert now that James was surrounded by his fans. Luckily, the fans were respectful and disciplined, they stood closer to James with a respectful distance. But still, the security personnel are still on guard in case.

After a couple of photos, James politely apologized to his fans and expressed his sadness that he couldn't give each of them an autograph or a photo.

"Mianhamnida~" James politely bowed and kept on apologizing. He then suddenly thought of something, "... uhm, as another way to say sorry and thank all of you for coming and waiting for me, uh... let me buy you guys some iced coffee, is that alright with you?" James offers another form of apology.

"Oh, jinjja?" his fans were shocked by the gesture. Some shyly wanted to accept and there are also some of them saying it's not necessary.

"Alright, I'm really sorry guys but I really have to go. Uh, Minji noona will assist you guys in our coffee shop to buy you guys some iced coffee, or any drink~" James told his fans. "Again, thank you and sorry. Take care on your way home and have a wonderful day. Thanks for coming to see me, annyeong~~~" James has all smiles when he thanks and says goodbye to his fans. He and Yeonhee then quickly run inside the JTBC for the shooting of Knowing Brothers. Minji then assists the fans to the coffee shop on the ground floor of JTBC to buy them some iced coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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