Chapter 14 - Knowing Brothers Ep. 45 | Guest: Actress Lee Si-young | Part 1

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James went inside to his waiting room. Some of the writers and stylists are already inside waiting for James so that they can prepare him for the show.


"So I'm not allowed to go out?" James asked.

"Yes, not until the show starts. They still don't have any idea that you will be the new member." One of the writer explained. "You will enter the classroom when everyone is in there and after your introduction as the new cast of the show the guest will enter.."

"Okay got it." James replied.


After an hour of preparing and waiting, the show starts, and one by one the cast went inside the room. James is hiding and waiting for his turn to enter the room.

"James, you ready?" one of the writers said.

"A bit nervous but yeah I'm ready.." James took a deep breath before walking quietly towards the door of the classroom. He stands there waiting for his cue to enter.

Inside the classroom..

The cast are having a conversation when Janghoon noticed something.

"Wait, what's happening? Why all the producers are here" Janghoon points where the rest of the producers are standing. The other members notice it too..

"Yeah, what's going on?" Ho dong looks at the creative director.

The director stood up and announced.. "We have a special announcement to make. As you all know, supposedly Knowing brothers have 8 members. So now we finally find the last member."

"Wah.. really?" Soogeun exclaims. "I wonder who it is.." Sangmin said,

"You all familiar with him.." The director said.

The cast began to guess who is the new member.

"He might be a guest before.." Yeongchul said.

"Jun Hyun-moo?" Heechul stands and do the dance that Jun Hyun-moo popularized.

"No no, not him.. he is not on our level.." Janghoon is referring to a previous episode where Hyun-moo looks down to the cast and challenged them to a quiz battle where Hyun-moo lost.

"Haha that's right.." Soogeun and Ho dong laughs. "I will kick him out if he is the new member" Janghoon said and everyone laughs.

"Anyway please welcome him. You can now enter!" The director calls in James.

Everyone turns to look at the classroom door waiting for the new member to enter. That's the cue and James now opens the door slowly. He then enter the classroom and bow shyly to the cast.

"Oh!!!" Sangmin got excited. Janghoon is clapping his hands happily and he is relieved that the new member is James.

"Oh! it's James!" Ho dong welcomes James happily.

Meanwhile.. Soogeun and Heechul approaches James and Kyunghoon is standing looking betrayed.

"Yah! Seriously?" Heechul is attempting to headlock James while Soogeun is playfully pushing and hitting him. "Why you didn't tell me?!" Soogeun asks. "Yes why didn't you, we just met a couple of days ago" Heechul letting James go so he can answer them. "We were playing games last night!" Kyunghoon shouted, joining them at pushing James in the corner of the room. The other are just watching and laughing at hem. "They told me not to tell anyone.." James finally got out the corner.

When everyone calmed down and they went back to their seats.

"Thank you for...welcoming me.." James said laughing while fixing his clothes. "..anyway let me introduce myself first. Hello I'm James L/N, I'm the new student here. Nice to meet you all again!" James introduced himself. Everyone claps their hands to welcome him.

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