Chapter 41 - Knowing Brothers Ep. 76 | Guests: Twice

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"Who is it?"

The Brothers heard knocking on the door, and seconds later the door opens..

Dahyun opens the door and cutely poses in the door.

"WOOO!!~~ Welcome back!!!" the Brothers excitingly welcomes their guest today, Twice. All the nine members happily walks inside the classroom while waving to the cast.

"YES!!" James yelled out of excitement. It is the first time for him in the show to show such excitement upon seeing the guest.

Twice came to the show last year, and now they are back again after a whole year to bring cheerful vibes and fun to the Brother's School. James is not yet part of the cast the last time Twice was in the show, that's why his excitement is over the roof now. James already met the nine members of Twice, but it's more like just a greeting the last time, except for Dahyun, who he already met before and spent some quite time together.

"Has it been already a year?" Hodong ask the girls.

"Yes!" Twice answered in unison.

"Chaeyoung, we guessed your names back then.." Hodong is talking to Chaeyoung,

"Right~" Chaeyoung replied to him.

"Time goes by so fast" the Brothers commented.

"Tell us where you guys have transferred from?" Hodong ask the girls again.


"We're from 'Miss You Like Crazy High School.." Jihyo led the introduction of their group,. "..1, 2, 3..."

"One in a million. Annyeong! Twice-imnida", altogether the girls introduced themselves. The Brothers give a warm hand of applause to welcome them again to their School.


"It's already Momo's third appearance, right?" Hodong commented, "She's been here the most" Heechul added.

"Third?" James exclaims at the back of the class. "You weren't here yet the first time they visit.." Sangmin said to him.

"Ahh.. right right, I was only thinking the time we shot the music video.." James replied.

"Wait.." Soogeun heard the two talking behind him and calls the attention of everyone, ".. did you girls already met James? He wasn't part of the cast the last time you guys were here. Say Hello to him.." Soogeun tells the girls.

"Annyeong~~" the members of Twice greets him. James got startled and he quickly stood up, he then politely bows to the girls and waves at them right after. There was a little awkwardness when he looked at the members because this is not the first time.

All of a sudden Dahyun raised her hands, "I already met James oppa before.." she cutely said to the Brothers.

"What?!", that statement from Dahyun shocked the Brothers.

"I met him through Heechul oppa.." Dahyun quickly follows up an explanation.

"James is a fan of them, and his favorite member is Dahyun. We were having dinner together with Hani, Jackson, Jooheon, Sinb, and Dahyun-ssi.." Heechul backs her up and came up with slightly altered explanation from what really happened, "... then while we are having dinner, I looked outside and saw James walking, then I called him to come over to meet Dahyun and the others.." Heechul explains further.

"You know how awkward it is to meet Dahyun while I'm carrying plastic bags full of vegetables and frozen meats.." James commented while completely going along with Heechul's made up story. The members of Twice are laughing hard, partly for the fact that they smoothly made up a story to cover up certain things. "Anyway, nice to meet you again Momo-ssi.." James then tried to return the topic back to Momo after seeing that the Brothers bought the made up story.

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