Chapter 4 - The Call

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9 days later...

James was invited by Haejoo's parents to come with them to visit Haejoo's older sister who lives in Yeongju.

"Hey how long will it take to go there?" James asked Haejoo while they're putting the bags inside the car.

"2 and a half hours I guess.. I've only been there once. Why oppa?" Haejoo asked.

"Oh okay.. nothing I just want to kno-- Hey careful! Don't just throw the bags" James scolds Haejoo.

"Sorry oppa, I'm kinda nervous.. I hope unnie is okay.." Haejoo replies.

"Don't worry she will be fine, we will be there in time. Hey look at the bright side you will be an aunt, right?" James patted Haejoo's back.

"Are we good to go?" Haejoo's mother asked. "Yup we just finished" Haejoo replies.

"Alright let's go, we don't want to be late for the baby" Haejoo's father said.

When they arrived in Yeongju they went straight to the hospital but they found out that Haejoo's sister is not there. They call her and she was still at home because her due is in two days so there's no need to go to the hospital yet. After a 45 mins. drive from the hospital they arrived at the house, Haejoo wanted to hug her sister so badly but she is scared, so she just hugged her sister's arm. This is the first time to see her sister after the marriage..

"Hey stop crying my arm is really wet right now" Haejoo's sister patted Haejoo's head trying to stop her from crying.

"Sorry.. unnie.. I.. really.. miss.. you.." Haejoo can't stop crying. "Aww, I miss you too.." Haejoo's sister replied.

"By the way, would you like to introduce me to your boyfriend?"

"He's.. not my.. boyfriend.." Haejoo can't stop crying.

"Oh he is James, he is a foreigner and..." Haejoo's father proceed to tell the whole story of James.

"Nice to m-meet you... umm..." James said shyly. "Hae-won" Haejoo's sister replies.

".. Nice to meet you Haewon noona" James bows to Haewon.

"Nice to meet you too, I actually already know you. please feel at home, you are sort of part of our family now so don't be shy" Haewon said smiling brightly.

"Thank you very much noona!"

One day has passed Haejoo and her parents went to the grocery store while James decided to stay at home with Haewon so that he can help her with the chores.
While James was hanging some clothes in the backyard he heard a scream coming from inside the house..


"Is that Haewon noona? wait don't tell me.." James hurriedly run inside the house.


"Noona?! Where are you?" James shouted while trying to find Haewon in the house.

"In the kitchen.. Aaaghhhh" Haewon screams in pain.

James finds his way to the kitchen. "Noona what's wrong? Oh god.. noona your water breaks, we need to get you to the hospital now, what is the number to the hospital" James is panicking now, before he reach for the phone.. "Aaghhhh.. the ambulance might take too long I don't think I'm going to make it.. aaaghhhh!" Haewon replies. James assisted Haewon to the front door, "Wait here noona, I'll go get some help" James runs outside the house looking for help in the neighborhood. Haewon is getting weaker and weaker by the time but she is trying to hold on for the sake of the baby. After a minute James came back with some neighbors, they help Haewon to get in the back of pickup van. "Noona hold on okay, I'll be on the motorcycle to escort and control the traffic. "oka..yy... " Haewon replies. "Let's go let's go!"

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