Chapter 28 - Decision

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"... yes, see you tomorrow! Byee"

James just finished a phone call.

"I guess I need to make a decision very soon.." James needs to make an important decision on which agency he will sign. He dials in another number to talk to someone...

*ring ring*




"James oppa!!"

"huh?" James is confused that it was a different person who answers the call.



"Oh.. uh.. annyeong..." James is still wondering why Yeri answers Irene's phone.

"Irene unnie is in shower..." Yeri tells him,

"Oh, I see.. that's why hehe."

"Do you want me to give it to Irene unnie?" Yeri asks and she has a smirk on her face.

"What? No no.." James replied and after that he heard a commotion on the other side. "Give me that!"

"Hello James?.., unnie is still in the shower. But I guess she is almost done.." Wendy intercepts the call from Yeri. "Haha oppa thinks I will really give it to Irene unnie..." he heard Yeri's voice.

"Yah, go away!" Wendy scolds Yeri and told her to knock it off. "James mianhae..." Wendy apologizes.

"Don't worry noona, anyway I think I should call later..." he was cut off by Wendy, "Irene unnie is done...".

"James...", he finally hears Irene's voice.

"Annyeong~~ I called at a wrong time hehe mianhae.." James feels shy.

"Aniyo~ it's fine. Anyway, what's up? something wrong?" Irene is actually curious because it is her that is always the first one to call but this time it was James.

"Nothing, I just want to check if uh... if you're doing okay..." James replied.

"Is this about the agency?" Irene knew exactly what he is thinking. "heh.. you got me.." James felt embarrassed.

"Well, what else it could be.. and besides you're the one who call first this time so it means you want to talk about something.." Irene said as she sits in the living room and drying her hair with a towel.

"You two sounds like you're in a relationship.." Yeri said loudly as she walk passed by the living room. "Yah!" Irene throws the towel at her and Yeri barely dodged it, she run away and head to her room.

"haha is that Yeri?" James asks as he heard what Yeri said. "Yes, don't mind her.." Irene picks up the towel she threw.

"Anyway, did you talk to Seolhyun?" Irene asks, "Uh you know she is in FNC ent. so she will strongly suggest it. So she isn't much of a help really.." James laughs as he explains. ".. I didn't knew this will be that hard. I really have to pick one soon.." he added.

"Yeah, especially when you are surrounded by people who has different opinions." Irene replied. "How about you noona.. which one you recommend?" James ask her,

"Me? uh...." Irene thinks for a couple of seconds before answering, ".. well FNC Ent. is good that's maybe why Seolhyun is insisting it and they have a number of comedians as well. Mystic is the same plus Janghoon oppa and Kyunghoon oppa is there. Then UAA, is a famous agency and Song Hye Kyo unnie, you know..",...

For the past few days James is in some news articles regarding the rumours that UAA is looking to sign him and that they are also expanding their roster, making him the first comedian/entertainer under the said agency. The news spread even more when UAA released a statement confirming the rumours. And adding oil to the fire, Song Hye Kyo openly said in a short interview that she personally recommended James to her company and at the same time, she is also helping the young comedian in his agency hunt.

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