Chapter 11 - New member

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The next day James wakes up early to prepare himself for the meeting later at JTBC. After partially cleaning his apartment he then cook his breakfast. While cooking he receives a phone call from Kim Junho.

"Hey Mr. Kim.." James answers the call and put it in loud speaker.

"Yah.. didn't I tell you to just call me hyung.." Junho said. 

"okay okay sorry hyung.." James replied laughing.

"Anyway, I know you just got back but can you come and perform tonight? We have a lot of famous people coming tonight and we need you because you are one of our top comedians" Junho explains.

"Really? sure no prob.. I'll be there" James replied.

"Thank you James.. thank you!" Junho is relieved. "anyway I have to go.. i still need to find waiters and bartenders.."

"Why what happen?" James asked. 

"3 waiters and 2 bartenders resigned.. so the club is short on people.." Junho replied. "..anyway don't worry we will be fine tonight... I hope.. haha. anyway see you later"

"Okay hyung bye.."

James finished cooking and eat his breakfast. Took a shower and put on decent clothes. He then leaves the his apartment and went straight to JTBC.




After 40 minutes of commute, James finally arrived at JTBC. He went inside and head straight to the lobby and talk to one of the receptionist.

"Hello, Good morning. I'm---" before he can even finish the receptionist cut him off.

"Oh, Mr. James.. we are expecting you. Please follow me, I'll escort you to the meeting room" the receptionist leaves her place and walks towards the elevator.

" okay.." James quickly follows the receptionist. 

They got inside to the elevator and head to the 9th floor. When they arrived at the 9th floor James was greeted by another lady.

"Good morning Mr. James. I'll be assisting you from here." the lady said to James, then she turns to the receptionist. "Thank you Ms. Jung, I'll take it from here." 

The receptionist smiled and bows to the lady and James. She then went back to the elevator. 

"Mr. James this way please.." the lady said. "Oh, right.." James follows the lady.

"You are early Mr. James.." the lady said.

"Oh yeah, sorry, it's a habit of mine to be always early.." James replied.

"Really? well that's a great.. habit of yours Mr. James.." the lady replied.

"So.... um..."

"I'm Yuna, Hwang Yuna.." the lady said.

"Okay.. so Ms. Yuna, may I ask what is the meeting for? they didn't tell me, they just ask me to go here" James asked.

"I'm sorry Mr. James but I'm not in the position to divulge that information, at least right now" Yuna replied, she just smiled at James.

"Oh.. o-kayy then.." James mutters.

"Anyway, don't you worry Mr. James.. you will found out in a couple of minutes. Here we are, please wait here for a couple of minutes I'll just go and inform them that you have just arrived. I'll be back" Yuna bows and smiled brightly before leaving.

James just went inside the conference room and sits in one of the chair in the big oval table and waits. And just like what Yuna said, after a couple of minutes Yuna enters the room with 10 other people following her. James stands up and bows to each one of them.

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