Chapter 23 - Misunderstanding

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It was a cold morning in the city of Seoul. Everyone is in their winter coats. The whole city is covered in snow but that won't stop people from going to their work. One in particular is James, even though he hates the cold weather, he cannot deny the beauty of the winter scenery in Seoul. With a cup of hot coffee in his hand and a heavy bag on his back, he decides to walk his way to his destination just to admire the city covered in snow. With still a week left before Christmas, the city is not just covered in snow, but decorations that signifies the upcoming holidays. 

As the time goes by James popularity is rising fast. Nowadays, everywhere he goes there's always a number of people who recognizes him, they will either ask for an autograph or a photo. And of course James happily complied to all the requests. Like Haejoo always say to him, he is now a celebrity.


James finally arrives in JTBC after a long walk. He is there to drop by for a moment to sign some papers. After the meeting with management went well, they reach to an agreement and they allow his request to be absent on show for a week to give way for the invitation of Ken Jeong, that will happen in February. It all went well because of the offer James made that the management loves. 

*knock knock*

"Come in!"

"Good morning noona!" James politely greets Yuna as he enters her office.

"Good morning! Why are you covered in snow?" Yuna giggles seeing that James looks like he went hiking in snowy mountains.

"Oh no, mianhae noona.. I thought I got rid all of it downstairs.." James looks at his coat that still covered in some snow.

"Don't worry about it, take off your coat first and get settle",

James nodded at her and takes off his coat. He wiped the remaining snow before hanging his coat. He opens his backpack and gets a box of cookies.

"What's with the bag? going somewhere?" Yuna asked him.

"Yeah, Jonghyun hyung invites me join them play some basketball and futsal.." James explains. "here you go noona.." he gives the box of cookies to Yuna.

"Wow, what's this for? Christmas is next week. Anyways gomawo~" Yuna stopped what she is doing and tries to open the box of cookies. "hmm, they look delicious.."

"I bought it when I get coffee. I figured you might not have breakfast." James takes a seat in front of her desk.

"That's sweet of you.." Yuna takes a big bite of the cookies. "..oh god this is good~~ where did you get this?" Yuna loves the taste of the cookies.

"There's a bakery that is also a cafe near my apartment, it's owned by old couple and they make the best breads and coffee, and all in good prices." James happily said to her. "Give me the address, I will drop by later or tomorrow morning" Yuna quickly gives him a piece of paper and a pen. "You should get their egg tarts also.." James said while he writes the address. "Gomawo~" Yuna puts the piece of paper in her purse. 

"You always knew where to get the good and cheap foods.." Yuna is eating another piece of cookie. "Good food doesn't need to be expensive" James gives him a wink. "Pshh, say the one who had dinner with the Song-Song couple in an expensive restaurant" Yuna rolled her eyes. "Yeah, the food there is also good.. I had to admit.. hehe" James scratches the back of his head.

"Anyway, here are the papers, just signed at the bottom of each page. You can take your time to read these." Yuna gets a folder in her desk drawer and hand it over to James. "Gomawo~!

James proceed to scan the papers before he sign each one. After he is done, he gives it back to Yuna. She gives him another paper..

"What's this?" he asked, "It's the list of agencies that is interested to sign you.." she explains.

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