Chapter 31 - New Path

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James woke up 5 in the morning to prepare himself for the taping of an episode if Knowing Brothers and to go to the market to buy some fresh fruits for Choa, and for the members of AOA as well. 

"Good morning, halmeoni~~" James greeted the old lady in the fruit stand.

"Good morning~ what are you doing here so early?" the old lady is asking him.

"I'm here to buy some fresh fruits. I'm on my way to visit a friend.. to give her a fruit basket" James politely replied,

"Oh why? Is your friend sick?" the oldy asked,

"um yeah, I guess you can say that. She is not feeling well lately.." James replied.

"Araseo~ let me help you fill the basket with the right fruits. She will be fine in no time.." the old lady offers help.

"That would be great, kamsahamnida halmeoni!!" James politely bows and thanked her.




"Mornin---... what are you guys doing?" Hyejeong just woke up and saw few of her members are in the kitchen cooking.

"Morning!" Yuna is brewing some coffee. "James is coming for breakfast.." Chanmi explained it to Hyejeong.

"Oh okay... but why? You guys going somewhere?" Hyejeong walks to Seolhyun's side who is now making egg rolls.

"No, I invited him over because you know, Choa unnie.." Seolhyun explained. "I see.. yeah he might be able get her back to herself. Should I wake her up?" Hyejeong said. "No, let's wait for James. This is some sort of a surprise breakfast.." Seolhyun replied.

"Araseo. I guess I'll just take a shower while he's not here yet. Pretty sure he will tease me again if he saw that I didn't wash my hair.." Hyejeong decided to take a bath first.

"Haha that still annoyed you? that was just one time.." Chanmi chuckles. 

"Still!! The one time I didn't wash my hair and he noticed it! He roasted me big time!" Hyejeong is getting grumpy and her members are laughing at her.

"To be fair we always tease and makes fun of him every time he is with us.." Yuna pointed it out. "It's not like James always tease and make fun of us, it's only if we initiated it first. Plus be thankful he didn't went all out on us when we guested on his show" Seolhyun commented.

"Why are you defending him? What are you, his girlfriend?" Hyejeong is really grumpy.

"No, but I'm his best friend.." Seolhyun just smiled at her.

"Aigoo.. aish.." Hyejeong just walk away to get her towel while she continue to mutter somethings and she bumped into Mina who just got out from the bathroom.

"Haha don't worry, once she had breakfast she will be back to being human.." Yuna said to Seolhyun and Chanmi, and the girls just laughs.

"What's wrong with her?" Mina asked the girls in the kitchen.

"Don't mind her.."

"and what are you guys doing?" Mina follows up another question.

"James is coming over for breakfast.." Chanmi answers. "Oh, that explains.." Mina sits in one of the chair in the kitchen counter.

"Coffee?" Yuna asked her, "Sure.." she replied and Yuna poured a cup of freshly brewed coffee.


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