An Dùbhlachd

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A tall guy is walking alone in a place where it may seem like an empty place. 

"Hellooo! Anyone there??" the guy is still walking around while trying to look for any person aside from himself in that empty place.

"Hello?" Another person finally responded.

"Hello?! Is someone there?!" the tall guy got excited as he finally got a response.

"Frank? Is that you?" the other person asked as the voice of the tall guy seemed familiar to him.

"Uh, yeah! You know me? Who are you?" Frank is now curious who is the other person with him in that empty place.

"It's me, Ritesh! Hey!!" Ritesh got excited after discovering that a dear close friend of his was just nearby. "Behind you!!" he shouts as he runs towards Frank when he sees him.

"Yo!! Tesh!! I'm so happy to see you brother!!" Frank is so glad to see Ritesh that he immediately hugs him. "Thank God I'm not alone in here!" he added with a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, and where the heck are we? And why everything is all white? and empty..." Ritesh started questioning the place where they were.

"No idea. I opened my eyes and now I'm here in this... uh... empty void... or a white empty room?" Frank replied and started looking around. He just sees nothing else but all white. "How about you? How did you end up here?" he then asked Ritesh.

"Same as you. I opened my eyes and boom!... I'm here. Then seconds later I heard your voice..." Ritesh replied. "We're not dead, are we? This isn't heaven, right?" he then curiously asked.

"I don't think so because if we're dead, we should be in a place where they will be judging us. I mean we did a lot of crazy stuff that might be questionable if we're worthy to go to heaven~" Frank laughingly explained. 

"Haha, that is true! Especially that one night in Boston" Ritesh chuckled.

"No judging needed, all of us will go to hell on that one~," Frank said. He and Ritesh then burst out laughing.


"Hold on. I think I have an idea what this place is..." Ritesh suddenly have a hunch of where they are right now.

"Really? What?" Frank asked.

"The Canvas" Ritesh replied.

"The Canvas?" Frank gives Ritesh a confused look.

"Yeah. You know... the 'canvas'..." Ritesh smiled and gave Frank a look, hoping he would get it without explaining it in detail.

"Uhh... Is it like a... name of a city?" Frank is just getting even more confused.

"No! The canvas is uh..., you know. It's where the magic happens" Ritesh is just giving another hint and still trying to avoid describing it directly.

"Oh... you mean like this a sex dungeon kind of place?" Frank is still oblivious to what Ritesh is trying to say to him.  

"What the... NO!! Why would you even think of that? It's just the two of us here and you would think this is a sex dungeon? That's disgusting dude" Ritesh loses it as he wasn't expecting that kind of answer.

"Haha, I got confused when you said where the magic happens" Frank just laughed about it.

"You have a wife. Tell your fantasies to her, not to me~" Ritesh chuckled and just shook his head.

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