Chapter 2 - Phantasia

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James woke up then check his phone its 5am in the morning. He decided to get up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. James walks outside his room to find out everyone is still sleeping, he then went downstairs silently.

A delicious smell woke up Haejoo, she slowly get up from her bed then check the clock, its 6am, "hmm, that smell is nice, i wonder what mom is cooking" Haejoo went to the bathroom to fix herself then quickly went downstairs.


"Hey, Good morning!" James greeted Haejoo happily.

"How do you like your eggs? James asked.

"Umm.. Sunny Side up" Haejoo replied while still in shock seeing James cooking.

"Got it! Take a seat and have a coffee first while you wait" James said.

"You woke up early" Haejoo's mother said.

"Um.. the smell is good can't help not to wake up" Haejoo replied.

"Mom.. w-why you let oppa cook breakfast?" Haejoo asked.

"Well when I woke up I saw him already brewing coffee for us, then he asked permission to cook breakfast for us. I said no need to but he insists so I let him. He said it's a thank you for letting him in our house" Her mother explained. "He also want to pay for all the ingredients he will cook, but I said no, he is a good kid" Her father added.

"Here's your egg! If you need more bacon just tell me" James put the plate in front of Haejoo then sits beside her.

"Gomawo oppa"

They proceeded to eat their breakfast. After that Haejoo and James prepared themselves for the concert.

"Mom! Dad! We're leaving!" Haejoo shouts to her parents while they're about to exit the gate.

"Okay be safe!" "And have fun at the concert James" Haejoo's mother and father replied.

Haejoo and James walk to the nearest bus stop. After a couple of minutes the bus arrives. When they arrived at their stop, they still walk for a couple of minutes before they reach the Olympic stadium. Haejoo then looks around the crowd of people waiting outside of the stadium.

"What's wrong?" James asked.

"I'm looking for some of my friends" Haejoo replied.

"Haejoo! Haejoo" a group of girls approaches where Haejoo and James standing.

"Hey" Haejoo greeted and hugs her friends.

James suddenly felt that everyone is staring at him. Until one of Haejoo's friend talked to him but of course James just looked at her confused because he can't understand as she was speaking in Korean.

"Oh no no, he is a foreigner, you need to speak to him in English" Haejoo interrupted and explain it to her friends. "And no he is not my boyfriend, he is 20 yrs old. and he is a new friend or older brother" Haejoo added. Then proceeds to explain the whole situation of James.

"Oh, I'm sorry James oppa. I didn't know you are a foreigner because you look like a Korean" the girl shyly bows.

"Don't worry oppa we will speak English when you're around so you won't feel left out" another friend of Haejoo added.

"Thank you, Thank you"

"Oppa we will help you to learn Korean don't worry" another girl said.

James then follows Haejoo and her friends to queue in the entrance of the stadium. While in the line waiting to go inside, James chat with the rest of Haejoo's friends. Asking him any questions they can think of. After an hour the organizers announce that they will start to let the fans inside.

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