Chapter 64 - Knowing Brothers Ep. 110 | Guests: Jang Seo-hee & Hong Seok-cheon

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Another day of filming for the next episode of Knowing Brothers. All the Brothers are now inside the classroom. For today, they're starting the class a little different, sort of. Since it is now 2018, it means another school year for the Brothers High School. It also means that it is the time to select a new class president..

"I want to run for it~" Kyunghoon raised his hand as a declaration that he is willing to be a candidate for being the class president.

"So Kyunghoon is the first candidate. Who else wants to run?" Heechul asks his Brothers.

"I nominate Kim Youngchul" Sangmin nominates someone that the Brothers didn't expects. Even Youngchul himself is a little surprised that someone nominates him. "Araseo~ I accept the nomination" Youngchul then gladly accepts.

"So we have Kim Youngchul and Min Kyunghoon. Who else wants to be a candidate?" Heechul asks.

"Yah.." Soogeun stands up to look at the two candidates and said, ".. Janghoon hyung bought all of us tennis shoes when he won last year. What can you guys promise?".

"Oh! Right, right!" Heechul and Kyunghoon remarked.

"Wait, our show had our highest rating during my term.." Janghoon stated, ".. I have many accomplishments like that".

"Looks like Janghoon hyung wants to be nominated.." James chuckles. "Haha he wants to run again" Soogeun laughs as well.

"It's not like that, I just want to mention my accomplishments" Janghoon explained but deep inside he really does want to.

"Araseo, I nominate my Brother in sports!" Hodong nominates his Brother and fellow great athlete, Janghoon, to be the class president again. Meanwhile, Janghoon is secretly smiling that someone nominates him.

"Then, Kyunghoon, Youngchul hyung and Janghoon hyung, go up front and make your pledges" Heechul said to the candidates. 

The three candidates now walks in front of the class to announce their pledges if they become the class president for the 2018 school year. 

Janghoon will go up first on announcing his pledge if they elect him as class president again, "I'll keep it short and I won't talk for too long. Our show did reach our highest viewer rating ever during my term, and many other good things happened during that time. These are my accomplishments".

"We recognize that, but tell us what you will do if you win" Soogeun told Janghoon.

"A pledge? uh..... I'll treat everyone with delicious and sweet alcohol" Janghoon gives his pledge.

"Seo Janghoon! Seo Janghoon! Seo Janghoon!" Soogeun and Heechul stands up and started cheering.

"Wait!" Kyunghoon calls the attention of his Brothers as he have a counter offer pledge, ".. If I become the president, I'll host blind dates with other schools"

"Wooo!! Min Kyunghoon! Min Kyunghoon! Min Kyunghoon!" Heechul stands up and the only who is cheering. "It's the all-boy school?" he asked.

"An all-girl school" Kyunghoon replied. "Ah, forget it then" Heechul stopped cheering and went back to his seat. 

"Anyway, I'll host blind dates for us" Kyunghoon told them.

"You believe him? He just stays home all day" Janghoon laughingly pointed out. "He just want to go on a date" Soogeun chuckled, and Kyunghoon shyly giggles.

It is now Youngchul's turn to give is pledge to his Brothers, "I'll promote our school via social media. I'll make sure we get cool people to transfer here".

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