Chapter 76 - Goodbye, my friend

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"James-ssi, you seem very excited today?" Shinyoung asked her radio co-host. They had already gone on-air a couple of minutes ago.

"Ne, noona. I am very excited!!" James lively replied

"And I'm sure, just like you, our listeners are also excited as well and can't wait to meet our special guest DJ for this week~," Shinyoung remarked.

"Well, I can't wait to introduce her to them. I mean, I'm looking directly at her, she's right in front of me and she is laughing since she sat down~" James is struggling to talk a little because the cute giggles from their special guest DJ are contagious.

"Right, I have no idea why but she has been giggling for some reason" Shinyoung laughingly remarked.

"Noona, I think we shouldn't waste more time and just introduce our special guest DJ for this weekend, what do you say?" James asked Shinyoung.

"Sure! Please do the honours James, and give our special guest DJ a grand introduction~" Shinyoung replied.

James smiles as he took a deep breath and gets ready to introduce their special guest DJ to everyone listening to their weekend morning radio show, "After Taeyeon noona, we have another big star who will be the special guest DJ for this weekend. Chingus... this special guest is one of the best-selling soloists and one of the most talented singers in South Korea. She was named singer of the year by Gallup's Korea 2 times. Despite her cute and soft appearance, she is a complete monster in the music charts, as she is the artist with most number one songs, with most weeks at number one, and with most months at number one. She is definitely a Digimon, haha. She is also on the top ten Forbes Korea Power Celebrity list 5 times now. She had over 100 nominations and awards under her name as a singer and an actress. She had won so many awards that I will not be surprised if she buy a house just to put all of the awards she had won there. She is not just one of the best singers, but she is also one of the best actresses out there. I know all of you had an idea who she is, so without further ado, please welcome... my official unofficial boss and South Korea's little sister... IU~!!".

After that grand introduction, Shinyoung and James, together with all of the radio staff, gave IU a warm round of applause to welcome her to their radio show. IU is shyly giggling and blushing because of that grand and over-the-top introduction from James. 

"Annyeonghaseyo!!~" IU happily greets the listeners. Shinyoung and James are so sure that their listeners are most likely very excited that IU is their special guest DJ. "Wahh~~ haha, that was a very long introduction" she then cutely and shyly laughs.

"I'm gonna share a little something..., IU noona called me last night and she told me not to introduce her like what I did to Taeyeon noona when she was here. IU noona told me to make it short and simple. So... I did the exact opposite and made it longer than Taeyeon noona~" James laughingly explained. Shinyoung and IU started laughing as well. 

"Right, right! I called James-ssi last night and I was like, 'Yah~ when you introduce me tomorrow, don't do it like what you did to Taeyeon unnie. Make it short, just say my name, nothing else'. And he was like, 'Ne, ne~ araseo noona. I will make it simple'. But he introduces me like I'm in a documentary~" IU laughingly shares the rest of her phone call with James to everyone.

"James did his research, he is very prepared for your special guesting here~" Shinyoung remarked.

"Of course! It's IU noona! I should give her a grand introduction. Actually, I could have made the introduction longer but it might consume our entire timeslot for today~" James laughingly remarked.

"Right, IU-ssi deserve a grand introduction because she is our special guest DJ for this weekend~" Shinyoung agrees with what James had just said. 

"I'm very happy and excited to be here. Thank you for inviting me~" IU smilingly thanked the two hosts and the radio staff as well. "Oh, and by the way, I want to apologize also because I was supposed to be here last week but something came up and I had to cancel. Jungmal mianhamnida~~" IU then bows and sincerely apologized for the little inconvenience that she caused for cancelling her guesting on the radio show all of a sudden.  

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