Chapter 12 - Peach

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James finally realized that the girl in front of him is no other than Sulli, former member of the girl group F(x). 

"SULLI?!.. CHOI SULLI?" James kinda yelled out her name due to shock.

"So you do know me.." Sulli smiled. 

James is still visibly stunned in front of an angel. He is not moving and just standing there staring at her.

"Um.. hello.." Sulli waves her hand in his face. 

James snaps back to reality.. "Oh.. sorry. I.. just can't believe I'm talking to you. I-I... I'm a fan. You are a-actually my bias.. I mean my favorite in the group.." James is blushing and speaking nervously.

"Really? aww.. thanks!" Sulli gives him another warm smile. "I'm a fan of yours too.."

"Y-you what?!" 

"Yeah, me and my friends watched you earlier" Sulli explains. "Oh.. um.. thanks" James replies shyly.

"So where are you heading to?" Sulli asked.

"um... I'm actually going home. Until an angel pulls me over" James replied, and instantly regrets what he said.

"haha sorry." Sulli looks around before asking.. ".. hey would you like to come with us to get some coffee?" 

"Eh?... really?" James asked. "Yeah, I actually wanted to meet you but I didn't have a chance until now.. so would you like to come?" Sulli shyly laughs.

"..yeah.. sure, I would love to." James replied. "Great! um let's go before anyone see us.." Sulli grabs James' hands and drags him towards their car, then they went off to a coffee shop.


While inside the car on their way to the coffee shop, Sulli introduce James to her two friends. As it turns out her friends are regular customers in Happy Seoul Club, then when Sulli finds out that James performs there on regular basis. Sulli decides to go with her friends in hope of catching one of his shows.

"then why I haven't seen you two?" James asked.

"Well our usual table is far from the stage.." one of Sulli's friend replied. ".. anyway guys we're here." they parked the car and got out.

"Woah.. this place is quite... um... fancy.." James said as they were walking towards the cafe.

"Haha no it's not, but the design is," Sulli replied.

"by the way, where is your boyfriend? Choiza?" James asked.

 There was a couple of seconds delay before Sulli reply.. "um, he is busy.. preparing a new song." 

"Oh.. okay, that's why." James sensed the sudden change in Sulli's facial expression. He lets it go for awhile because are now entering the coffee shop. 

"You two should go upstairs now and get a table, there might be some paparazzi that follows us.  I'll get your orders" One of Sulli's friends suggested.

"Okay thanks, um.. the usual drink for me." Sulli said to her friend.

"Okay. and what's your's James?"

"um... I don't know.. um.. I'll have what Sulli is having.." James can't decide what to order.

"Haha okay then.."


Sulli and James went to the 2nd floor of the coffee shop and get their table.

"Wow this is a nice place.." James looks at the interior design of the place.

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