Chapter 7 - Return

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4 months later, James comes back from the tour. During the tour he met a lot of people he worked with coming from different races, where he learned a lot of things about them. The tour helped him to improved himself and sort of changing him in some ways.

James didn't inform anyone on his arrival. Of course he first went to the people who helped him at first, Haejoo and her family. Upon arriving at Haejoo's house he noticed a car parked in front of the house that seems familiar..

*doorbell rings...

"Who is it? Coming.." A familiar voice runs towards the gate.

"JAMES?!... HEYY!!! JAMES IS BACK" Kyuhan shouted and hugged James.

".. haha nice to see you again Hyung" James hugged Kyuhan back.

Everyone on the house rushed outside to see if it is really James. The moment Haejoo saw James she quickly rushed towards him and hugs him.

"Oppa we miss you!" Haejoo joins Kyuhan who is still hugging James.

"Ya give James some air and go inside first.. it's almost dinner time" Haewon said pulling her husband away. "Kyuhan go pick James' bags". They all went inside and have dinner.

"James why didn't you tell us you were arriving today? we could have pick you up at the airport.." Haewon said asked.

"It's okay noona, i don't want to bother anyone.." James replied while eating the Kimchi fried rice that Haewon cooked. " I miss this, I miss korean food"

"Oppa you lost some weight, you are a lot thinner now compare the last time.." Haejoo said. "Oh yeah, I think I should cut some weights to at least look decent to the crowd" James replies.

"So how was the tour?" Haejoo's father asked. "It's great, we went to a lot of cities and countries, met a lot of people, i was just thankful I got picked to join that tour" James replies. "That's good to hear, but are you going back to U.S. or you will continue what you started here?" Haejoo's mother asked. "Well, I talked about that to Mr. Ken Jeong and fortunately we agreed that I can continue what I started here and he will call me again for the next tour or if there's a request for me to perform" James explains.

"Wow.. you are really starting to become a celebrity now" Kyuhan said. "No hyung, haha.. I'm just happy that everything is going well and I earn enough money now to support my family back home" James replies smiling. "So what now?" Haewon asked. "I will meet Mr. Lee Soogeun and Mr. Kim Junho tomorrow, they have been calling me for the past months about this comedy festival" James replied.

Before they finish having dinner, James calls the attention of everyone.. "Um.. guys I have something to say to everyone., first of all.. Mr and Mrs. Yoo... thank you for everything, I'm really really thankful that you accept me in your home and to your family even though I'm a complete stranger, Haewon noona and Kyuhan hyung, thank you for being an older sister and brother to me, and also thank you for naming your first born after me. And Haejoo... thank you for helping a lost foreign stranger, you didn't think twice on helping me.. I don't know what will happen to me if you weren't there that day. Thank you guys, you are like my second family to me" James smiled trying to hide that he was tearing up. They all stood up and hugged James.

"Why are you saying that all of a sudden? Are saying goodbye to us?" Kyuhan said laughing. "Not really hyung.. I will still see you guys.." James replies. "What do you mean oppa?" Haejoo asked. "I'm going to find an apartment tomorrow.. I don't want to be a burden to you guys.." James replied. There was a silence for a moment, most of them didn't expect what they hear.

"James talked about this to us before he went to the tour" Haejoo's father speaked up. "He told us that if everything went well after the tour he will find a place to live" Haejoo's mom added. They are all looking at Haejoo who are in shocked but..

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