Chapter 18 - Cabbage

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It was a beautiful morning, the smell of coffee lingers in the apartment. James is in the kitchen making his breakfast. Coffee, eggs, bacon and bread will surely makes every morning perfect. James is currently having breakfast while watching the morning news on tv. His phone rings, it was Yuna.

James picks up the phone, "Good morning noona.. what's up"

"Morning! just finished a meeting with some of the JTBC's head. By the way, I'm calling because I saw some people, your fans I guess. They posted their picture with you in the internet, there's a lot of them." Yuna explains as she walk back to her office.

"Oh.. that might be last night, I did some groceries and many people recognized me and they ask for some photos. Um... is there something wrong about it? I'm not in trouble aren't I?" James takes a sip from his coffee.

"No no, don't worry. It's just that.. your clothes.." Yuna replies,

"My clothes?"

"James.. you are a celebrity now. And you should dress like one. I know you are simple guy who like simple things but, you know.. your status is different now. It's for your image.." Yuna explains.

"Dress up like a celebrity.. what do you mean? I wear clothes they also wear clothes.." James replied,


"Just kidding noona, I know what you mean, I understand. But.. uhm.. I'm not sure how you meant by dressing up like a celebrity.." James finished his food and took the plate in the sink,

"And that's why I'm calling.. I'm going with you to help pick up some clothes for you.." Yuna said,


"Where are you? today is your day off right?" Yuna asked, "At home, just finished having breakfast.." James replied.

"Perfect, let's meet at the mall in two hours. I have to go now, I still have one more meeting left. See you there. Bye" Yuna ended the phone call.

"Shopping? hmm.. I guess my clothes looks old. I can't remember the last time I bought some clothes for myself.", James cleans the kitchen before he hit the shower.


James decides to go to the mall an hour earlier because wants to roam around for a bit before Yuna arrives. He walks his way to the mall to enjoy the beautiful autumn vibe of Korea. While on his way to the mall he receives a call from Heechul..

"Hey hyung what's up?" he answers the call.

"Nothing, I'm here at S.M waiting for my members and other managers to discuss something.. I'm bored so I called Kyunghoon but he is not picking up so I called you instead" Heechul explains.

"Well Kyunghoon hyung hates it when someone is calling his phone. So anyways, you are bothering me instead?" James jokingly said to him.

"You always making me upset lately, do you hate me?" Heechul replies.

"I'm just kidding hyung. What's the meeting all about? Comeback? Concert?" James asks.

"Hmm.. I guess. I don't know yet, but some of my label mates are here also so I guess maybe it's about SM Town concert.." Heechul explains. "Right, that might be it" James replied.

"James, Yuri is here.. I'll hand over the phone.." Heechul gives the phone to Yuri.

"Hello James!" Yuri greets him. "Hello noona!" James greeted her back,

"Sorry, I'm still arranging my promise to you. Don't worry I will make it happen." Yuri remind him the promise she made the last time. "No worries noona.. take your time" he replied.

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