Chapter 19 - Half a minute

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"That's a wrap!"


The shooting of the 50th episode of Knowing Brothers has just finished. The cast and today's guest, Shinee, all went back to their room to take a little rest before the group dinner. It was a great and fun episode.

"Are you changing already?" Yeongchul saw James changing his clothes in the corner of the room. "Yeah, I will leave quickly after dinner. I have to be at Happy Seoul Club.." James is almost done changing his clothes.

Heechul enters the room after coming back from the bathroom. "Leaving already? Are you not going to have dinner with us?" he asked. "No, I will leave after dinner. It will be rude to Shinee hyungs and to our staff. I saw that they prepared a lot of foods today." James replied while fixing himself in front of the mirror.

"Oh.. you have new shoes.. and it looks like you now have taste in fashion now. Is it because of.." Heechul is teasing James, good thing Yeongchul is talking to his manager at the moment so he cannot hear what the two is talking about.

"Aniya. I'm still the same. Yuna noona is the one who has a taste in fashion. She picked this." James replied.

"Really? Yuna did? Why?" Heechul takes a closer look at the clothes James is wearing.

"It was an order from the higher ups.." James pointed upwards. "Huh why?" Heechul asked. "They think I'm too plain and simple. So they asked Yuna noona to buy me clothes so I can look decent and like a celebrity. Then noona and I went shopping, and they are very expensive. Good thing is they paid for it. I couldn't even think of buying this by myself." he explains.

"And you're upset about it?" Heechul takes a sit near James. "Aniya. I'm grateful about it but I really felt bad for having expensive stuff for free.." he explains.

"I see, well they had a point though. But this brand is not that expensive." Heechul said to him. "Hyung.. easy for you to say you have a lot of money, so this is nothing for you. I send 70% of my income to my family so they can live well back home.." James grabs a bottle of water then drinks.

"What I'm trying to say is, don't be upset. It's fine that once in awhile you spend things for yourself. And why is it have to be 70%, make it 50% at least so you can get a new place." Heechul said to him.

"New place? What's wrong with my apartment? You've been there a couple of times" James asks, "The neighborhood is kinda scary that's all" Heechul replied.

James just laughs at him, "Don't worry hyung, the people in that neighborhood are good people. But maybe it needed more lights in the streets so it's not that scary."

"Just think about moving okay?"

"Araseo." James just agreed to him so he can stop.

"By the way, how's it going with... um... Irene. Did you guys meet already?" Heechul looks around then whispered it to James. "Not yet, she is busy. I don't want to disturb her." James replied silently.

"Disturb her? she always sleep late because of you!" Heechul almost yelled, good thing it wasn't loud enough for Yeongchul to hear.

"Ohh.. are you courting her?" one of Heechul's personal stylist said. "Ani... noona it's not like that. She is just calling me when she got bored.." James explains. "Araseo.." the stylist just nodded and gives him a teasing smile.

"Besides, how do you know about that hyung?" He turns back to Heechul. "Wendy told me. She said she caught Irene staying very late talking to you on the phone." Heechul replied.

For the past few days since their first phone call, James and Irene has been talking to each other over the phone almost every night. During the day, whenever Irene have a break during photo shoots or when she got bored, she will call or text him. They have become phone pals.

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