Chapter 40 - Popcorn

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"That would be 3,730 won.."

James gives his payment to the cashier. After he received his change, his phone rings. He quickly put the change in his wallet and answers his phone..

"Noona annyeong~" James picks up the call.

"Annyeong~ huh.. you're not home?" Irene asks, she heard the noises in the background.

"Yeah, I'm in a mall..." James got interrupted because his orders are ready,


"Here are your orders~ Kamsahamnida~"

"Kamsahamnida~" James thanked the crew of the restaurant.


"Mianhae noona. Oh..yeah, I'm going home now, I just order some food for dinner.." James continues.

"Dinner? at this hour?" Irene looked at the wall clock in the living room. Her members are with her in the living room hanging out and watching tv, they can hear Irene talking over the phone with James.

"I went out for movies and I only had popcorns earlier hehe.." James chuckles.

"Oh, I see. Which movie is it?" Irene asked,

"The Shack. It was released last March but for some reason it almost took a month before it was released here in Korea.." James explained.

"Is it good?" she asked. "It's fine. It's based on a book and I already read the book. So yeah. I prefer the book more, but that's just me.." James replies.

"Who you watched it with?" Irene asked him again.

"No one.." he replied instantly.

"You went to the movies alone?", surprised, Irene's voice raised a bit. Her members turns their head towards her, all of them surprised on the sudden change of expression of their leader.

".. y-yeah..." James frowns and about to laugh, he seems confused on Irene's reaction. "uh.. something wrong noona?" he asked.

"N-Nothing.." Irene kinda get a hold of herself, "uh.. you always went out and watch movies alone?".

"Yup.." James just replied casually,

"A-are you not shy to go to the movies alone?" Irene is a bit hesitant to ask him that question.

James understands why Irene is asking that question, "Ani~. I know it's kinda frown upon here in Korea, sure people are staring at me sitting alone. But I've been doing it ever since, so I really don't care. I just watch the movie, that's what I came for.. haha" James explained and laughs about it.

"T-that's right.. you went there for the movie.." Irene really wasn't sure what to say, she really felt sad upon hearing that James has been going out to watch movies alone.

"In fact I'm going back tomorrow.. haha" James laughs.

"You going to watch it again?" Irene asked.

"Ani.. this movie theater have a special screening day every Monday night, they are showing previously released movies, and tomorrow they are going to show a movie I failed to watch last year.." James explained.

While James is talking, Irene is contemplating on something. But it didn't took her a long time to really think about it. In fact she really doesn't even considering to go the other way..

"Oh that's nice.." Irene said as soon as James finished talking, "uh.. James.."

"Yes noona?"

"Can I come with you to the movies tomorrow?" Irene said it. She doesn't care if her members are hearing it. Joy who is sitting with her in the sofa looked at her with her mouth wide open. Wendy who is lying down on the floor quickly sits up and looked at their leader with a shocked look in her face. Seulgi and Yeri stopped eating and almost dropped their food.

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