Chapter 17 - Black Pearl

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Since James is done, he then proceeds to the classroom then waits for the other cast to come. The show started and, as usual, they are having their talk before the guests enters the room. After a couple of minutes they heard the door slides open slowly. They all look at the door and the guests slowly enters the room.

"waahh..." James jaws dropped as soon as he saw who the guests are.

"Oh... OHHH!!" Everyone got excited for today's guests.

James' eyes widened and his heart is beating crazily fast. He cannot believe who are the guests are, he cannot believe that it is really happening right now. Heechul knew someone will be shocked to see the guests so he look at the back of the class, and he is right, the moment he saw James' face he burst out laughing.

"Look at James,.." Heechul is still laughing while telling to other members. They all look at James to see his reaction. "He is a fan of you guys. Specially you Taeyeon" Heechul is talking to Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun, the sub-unit of SNSD, called TTS or TaeTiSeo.

"Really? He is?" Taeyeon smiled brightly. "Yeah, he even went to your concert" Heechul replies.

While the first two rows are talking to the guests, there was something happening to the last row.. the number one fan is still in shock.

Sangmin approaches him laughing, "James.. are you okay?" Sangmin shakes him off but James is still not saying anything, he is just staring at the guests. Sangmin noticed something, James is shivering and it looks like he is having a hard time breathing, so he grabs James' wrist to check his pulse. "Hyung.. I can't breathe.." James looks at Sangmin smiling but he is panting. Soogeun and Janghoon heard it, at first they are laughing but the moment they notice James is slowly starting to look pale.

The guests noticed the little commotion at the back of the classroom. Seeing what was happening they are starting to worry as well.

"What's wrong?" Tiffany asked, 

"James are you okay? do you need a water?" Heechul stood up and brings a bottle of water to James. 

"Hey calm down.." Heechul and Sangmin is patting James back trying to calm him down. The three girls are worried also so they approach James also.

"Taeyeon.. come here.. comfort him.." Heechul calls Taeyeon and she moves forward to comfort James.

"Annyeong... are you okay?" Taeyeon smiled at him brightly, she bows and reaches her hand for a handshake.

James eyes widened as he hold her hands, Taeyeon is right in front of him and he is holding her hand. He stopped shaking finally and looks like he also stop panting. James stood up and bows to her as well.

"Give him a hug.." Heechul said to Taeyeon. 

Taeyeon leans forward and puts her arms around James to give him a hug. Everyone is making a noise, they are happy for James who just met one his ultimate idols. James cannot believe that Taeyeon is hugging him, he cannot move but for some reason his arms moves on their own and wraps Taeyeon's body. His face is getting redder and redder by the moment. After a couple of seconds, Taeyeon loosen her hug but enough to make sure James is still in her embrace. 

"Are you okay now? Thank you for supporting us.." Taeyeon smiles brightly.

James is just looking at her straight in the eyes. He is not moving and not saying any word, everything around him seems so slow it looks like almost not  moving at all. Then seconds later everything get blurred, until it becomes dark. He can't hear anything, everything is muffled. All he can hear is his name, someone is screaming his name, it's a voice of a woman, and just before it became pitch black he saw the blurry image of that woman, it was..

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