Chapter 20 - Universe Cowards

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It is a special episode for Knowing Brothers. The time was 11:00 am, the casts arrives at the set for the filming of the music video for 'Sweet Dream'. The staff of the show did a great preparation for the filming of the music video and the show itself. It looks like a set for a drama or movie. 

"Why did we make the situation big? are we filming a drama?" Soogeun is surprised that the set is huge. "This feels like a behind the scenes footage..", it was James' first time to be in a set this big.

The filming will start soon so the the casts are now taking their positions and practicing. Heechul and Kyunghoon sits in front of the monitor to watch the others. Soogeun is taking the mantle of the director for this one. James is standing behind the cameras, curious on how the they are going to film.

"Okay, Brothers Gang! Kang Ho dong, come here!" Sangmin calls him.

"Go over there.." Soogeun tells Ho dong to come out so they can start the filming.

"Should I use this or this?" Ho dong picks two baseball bats and asked Soogeun which one is better. 

"How can you call a real gangster here?!" Soogeun shouted using the megaphone. Ho dong looks even more like a gangster now that he is holding a baseball bat. "Call the Police! Police!" James yelled.

"Okay, cue!" 

The filming starts, the Brothers Gang starts acting like a gangster. The gang composes of Ho dong, Janghoon, Sangmin and Yeongchul. The two main actors are monitoring are monitoring them carefully. Soogeun is shouting instruction through the use of the megaphone. At first some of them are acting poorly because they are still acting silly and trying to make fun of the situtation..

"These gangsters are so pathetic.." Heechul and Kyunghoon just laugh at the poor portrayal of the casts. "They seem more like elders than gangsters.." Heechul said. 

"You guys sure you want us to be a part of this music video?" James approaches the two main actors, he can't help but laugh worried that the music video will be horrible because of them. "You knew we will be this bad.." he added.

"Yeah, we're doomed."

Fortunately in the end everything went perfect and they acted great, after many takes. Nonetheless the final shots turns out to be great. Heechul and Kyunghoon are relieved that at the end the casts did very well.


On to the next scene..


Soogeun and James are now dressing up for their role in the next scene. Soogeun is a martial arts master, while James is the apprentice. While they were getting their make ups done the two are planning on what should they do later. 

After minutes of waiting the martial arts master and his apprentice enters the set. Soogeun and James are now practicing in the set before they will start the shooting. They are all over the place and everyone is laughing at them when they show a preview of how they are going to act as a master and apprentice. 

The filming for the next scene officially started and it starts with James bringing the main actors to his master as they seek to learn how to defeat the gangsters. 

"Master, these wanted to learn martial arts.." James kneels down.

"Master, Please teach us martial arts!"Heechul and Kyunghoon begs.

"Tell me why you want to learn martial arts.." Soogeun asks and acted like a dignified master.

"We need to get rid of our enemies.." Heechul replied, "Our friend was kidnapped! We must save her! You must teach us martial arts!" Kyunghoon added but the way he act is awkward. Heechul and James is trying not to laugh. 

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