Chapter 9 - Troubled

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The door opens and someone grabs him pulling him inside the car. Then a hand suddenly cover his mouth before he even shout for help. Just when he is about to fight back the person who covers his mouth speaks. The voice is very familiar..

"Calm down James..."

"Wait.... What are you doing here Seolhyun?" James grabs Seolhyun's hands and turns his head around to face Seolhyun.

"Annyeong..." Seolhyun gives James a cute smile.

"What the hell are you doing? You scared the shit out of me. I almost punch you" James grabbing his chest and trying to breathe normally.

"Sorry.. I just wanted to surprise you.." Seolhyun give James a bottle of water.

"Thanks.. But what are you doing here at this time and how do you even know where I live?" James opens and drink the water.

"I heard that you come back from the tour more than a month ago, I tried to call you but the number is not active anymore.." Seolhyun replied.

"Oh, sorry.. I-I change my number.." James replied.

"I actually wanted to talk to you.."

"About what?" James asked.

", let's go someplace more private.." Seolhyun replied.

"..okay, um well just outside is my apartment, if y--"

"that'll be great let's go" Seolhyun grabs James hands and goes out from the vehicle. "..oh, manager unnie just wait for me here, sorry.."


"What? your manager is here?" James looks at the driver seat. "..oh, annyeong noona would you like to have a coffee inside?"

"I'm fine thank you.." the manager smiled.

"Come on, let's go.." Seolhyun drags James to the building.

When they arrive inside the apartment James opens the lights and went straight to the kitchen to prepare some snacks. Seolhyun take off her hat and mask, she looks around the apartment.

"Would you like coffee or juice?" James shouts from the kitchen.

Seolhyun walks to the kitchen.. "coffee would be great.."

Seolhyun sits in the table and she just watch James prepare the coffee and the snacks.

"Here, careful it's hot.. " James puts the cup of coffee in front of Seolhyun.

"Thanks..." Seolhyun takes a sip and the coffee quickly reach her soul.

"Wow, this coffee is great..."

James just smile then goes back to the kitchen counter to prepare another cup of coffee.

"Hey how do you know where I live?" James asked.

"We went to Happy Soul Club earlier to look for you but you are not there, so we ask the people there, and they give us your address.. then we went here but you're not home so we wait for you to come home.. " Seolhyun replied.

"I'm sorry..." James said.

".. where have you been? You went out on a date are you? I saw you got dropped off with that luxurious car.." Seolhyun asked.

"Oh that.. well first of all, I'm not dating anyone.. and it was Janghoon's car" James is pouring the coffee to the cup. ".. want some more?"

"No, I'm good.."

".. Janghoon? you mean Seo Janghoon? Why are you with him?" Seolhyun asks.

"Yeah.. um, we shoot Knowing Brothers earlier and he gave me a ride home.." James replied,

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