Chapter 16 - Good people

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"Just a sec.. "

Jimin opens the door.

"Ey! sup Jim!" James greeted him.

"Ey! come in come in" Jimin let him inside their dorm.

"Long time no see! how are you guys doing?"

"Good, we are almost done for our next album.." Jimin replied.

"Oh yeah, well good luck! not that you guys need luck, come on you guys are BTS.. surely it will be a success.." James said.

"ai... stop saying that.. we're not that great" Jimin is pushing James out of embarrassment.

"tch.. stop being humble, you know you guys are great.." James is teasing Jimin again.

Jimin is just looking at him and.... then give him a big smile.." Yeah, I do".

The two laugh out loud and pushing each other. Their noise was heard by some of the members. Yoongi peeked out of the room.

"Oh James.. that's why the laugh is familiar.." Yoongi is still in his pajamas got out of the bedroom to greet James.

"Hyung what's up!"

"James!" Namjoon stepped out from the other room.

"Hey! How you guys doing!" James go for a quick bro hug with Namjoon and Yoongi.

"Did you have breakfast already?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, I had coffee on the way here.." James replied.

"That's not a breakfast! Come on, I'll make you some french toast.." Yoongi asked James to come with him in the kitchen.

".. no i'm good.." James said.

"Come here.." Yoongi insisted.

"Yoongi's french toasts are great, come on, Jungkook is still in the shower so have something to eat in the meantime.." Namjoon said.

"ok alright,.." James surrends.

"hey.. um, can i have some of that too.." Jimin follows them to the kitchen.


They are all eating in the kitchen while Yoongi is making some french toasts.

"mm.. have to admit, this is really good!" James is munching down the toasts.

"Its just simple toast, nothing else" Yoongi replied.

"I definitely taste something but i dont have an idea what it is.." James finished his plate. ".. but its okay, everyone has their secret ingredients. Thanks for the meal hyung!".

And just in time, Jungkook is finally finished and ready to go. But, he got halted by Yoongi.

"Sit down, i prepared some for you"

"But... okay.. thanks" Jungkook gives up after Yoongi gave him a stare.

"Where are we going anyway?" James asked Jungkook as he sat down.

"Game stores.." Jungkook replied.

"Oh.. okay.."

"Sorry hyung its just that our managers are also having their week long break before the we become busy because of our comeback." Jungkook explains.

"Oh i understand, but why do you risk going out again? You could just ask me and ill just pick it up for you." James said.

"Yeah, but I miss being outside.." Jungkook replies.

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