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Ruins of the red city

     Rhaella sat outside with Akharo enjoying the cold breeze outside

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Rhaella sat outside with Akharo enjoying the cold breeze outside. The girl knew that at this very moment Grey Worm and the other Unsullied were entering Meereen and giving the weapons to the slaves. The Targaryen's mind couldn't help but wonder, what if the slaves are too afraid, what if they didn't fight the masters, she knew that would break her sister's heart.

"What is it, Blood of my blood?" Akharo asked, brushing her hair with his hand.

"I wonder what is happening inside of the walls," she answered him, still looking at the horizon.

"They will be victorious," he assured the girl, making her turn her face towards him and smile.

Akharo kissed the girl roughly, grabbing the back of her neck, but as soon as the girl deepened the kiss the two were forced to pull away by a loud roar behind them. Turning her head she saw Rhaenya coming towards them, making Akharo move away from the Targaryen girl, and as soon as he did the purple dragon laid by the girl's side and placed her head on her lap.

Rhaella had noticed that her dragons weren't very fond of the dothraki man, they never did anything to him but whenever they saw the princess walking with him they would get the girl's attention somehow.

Akharo was fascinated with the dragons, he was fascinated with how all of Rhaella's dragons had purple eyes like her, he said they looked like purple fire, and he was fascinated with the relationship between the two Targaryens and their dragons. He was there at the birth of Daenerys' dragons, and he told the young girl that he could die happy now because that was the most wonderful sight a man could have ever seen.

"I will leave you," Akharo said and left the girl and the dragon.

Rhaella laughed and started caressing Rhaenya's head. Her dragons could not fit inside of her tent anymore so she would often come out and wait for them to come back from their hunt, or the dragons would go outside of her tent and wait for her to come out.

Rhaella often wondered what would happen after they had defeated the masters in Meereen, what they would do after they helped freed Slaver's Bay. Maybe Westeros would come next, she wasn't sure, but she did hope that whenever they went there it would be in time to save Theon, she still had dreams of him being tortured, everynight. She also hoped Jon was alright, she had not heard from him in a long time, and she hadn't had a dream with him either, and Rhaella hoped that was a good sign.

"You should go rest," Dany told her sister, making the girl turn to face her. "Sorry, I did not want to scare you," Dany said.

"It's alright," Rhaella said, gesturing for her sister to sit by her side.

"We need to rest. Whatever happens tomorrow it will be a long day," Dany said, and Rhaella laid her head on her sister's shoulder.

The sister's sat together for a couple of minutes before they got up and went to Dany's tent, the two girl's laid on the older sister's bed and talked until they fell asleep.


Rhaella Targaryen choked on the smell of burned flesh and wood.

"When my dragons are grown," she heard her sister say, and she could hear the fire in her sister's voice.

The girl looked around and she all saw destruction, burned buildings and corpses. This city looked like King's Landing, Rhaella had never been to the city, but the red houses and the red castle far away, which she assumed was the Red Keep, made her think this was where the King resided.

"We will take back what was stolen from me," she heard again.

There was destruction and chaos everywhere she looked, but what got her attention was the roars she heard coming from the Red Keep, so she decided to walk towards the castle.

She didn't see many bodies in the streets, but the ones she did see looked different, they were all in lines, as if they were positioned that easy before being burned.

"And destroy those who have wronged me."

By the smell and the looks of what she could see of the city the Targaryen princess could tell that King's Landing was now a shell of what it once was. The city was destroyed, ashes fell from the sky like the snow fell in Winterfell, and some of the houses and buildings were still on fire. The Targaryen girl couldn't help but wonder what happened, but she couldn't shake off the weird feeling she had.

"We will lay waste to armies."

Arriving at the gates of the Red Keep Rhaella saw that the castle was destroyed too, but when she looked at the tall stairs that led to the inside of the castle, that is when she saw it.

"And burn cities to the ground."

The biggest Targaryen banner Rhaella had ever seen, from the top of the tallest tower, the one that was still standing, reached to almost the bottom of the stairs that led to the castle. There it was the three headed dragon, red on black, it gave Rhaella a sense of pride, maybe they took the Seven Kingdoms, but she did wonder what happened to the city they took.

The girl started walking towards the stairs and that is when she saw the thousands and thousands of Unsullied bodies laid by the steps, just like the other bodies, looking like they were positioned.

The girl started to walk up the step slowly, deep down she was afraid what other bodies she would see if she kept going. Halfway up the steps she looked back at the city, she saw what she expected, from the gates of the city to the gates of the Red Keep, everything was destroyed and burned. The silver haired princess took a deep breath and kept walking, the closest she got to the throne room the loudest the roars would get, and when she stepped into a courtyard a big shadow flew in between the clouds above her. The dragon shadow made her stop, this was the first time she realized that the sky was grey and clouds were covering the sun, and the girl couldn't tell anymore if what was falling from sky were ashes or snow.

The wall that held the doors to the throne room seemed to be the only one that was still standing, Rhaella stood in front of the door for a couple of seconds before pushing it open.

Walking into the big room the silver haired girl saw rolls of bodies, and she recognized all of them. She saw the faces of Jon Snow, Theon, Sansa, Arya, Ser Barristan, and all of the other people she knew, and at the end of the throne room she saw her sister.

Daenerys sat tall and proud on the Iron Throne, the one thing she had always wanted. But as Rhaella walked closer to the throne she could see that there was no happiness on her sister's face, there was just sorrow and sadness, and she could tell Dany had been crying. The girl stopped walking when she reached the small steps that led to the Throne. "Dany," Rhaella said softly, reaching for her sister, who still sat on the throne, with fresh tears on her eyes.

"We could have helped them," it was all Daenerys said.

Author's note:

I'm so excited about this chapter! And don't worry, I will not make Dany go mad or anything that resembles what happened to her in the show, I will tie this dream to something else on a later part.

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