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Prayers to the moon and stars

     Rhaella, Daenerys and Missandei rode to meet some of the Unsullied captains

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Rhaella, Daenerys and Missandei rode to meet some of the Unsullied captains. The day before Dany had asked the Unsullied to choose a leader between their officers and now they were meeting with those officers. Rhaella and Dany got down from their horses and went to meet Missandei, who was already waiting for them in front of the officers.

The two sisters walked towards Missandei and the officers. "These are the ones?" Dany asked the girl.

"Yes, Khaleesi," she nodded, "the officers," Missandei finished. With that the officers marched and stopped right in front of the sisters.

"You did not choose this life. But you are free men now. And free men make their own choices," Dany told them. "Have you selected your own leader from amongst your ranks?" The oldest Targaryen asked, and after she did the Unsullied opened a way so the leader they chose could walk towards the Targaryens. The man marched towards them and placed his spear on the ground as a sign of respect.

"Remove your helmet," Rhaella told the man.

"This one has the honour," the man removed his helmet and approached the sisters, holding his helmet on his chest as a sign of respect. He was not what Rhaella expected, he looked young, very young, but again, all Unsullied were young.

"What is your name?" the youngest Targaryen asked.

"Grey Worm," the officer told them, and the sisters' faces fell.

"Grey Worm," Dany repeated in a low tone, almost a whisper. Daenerys and Rhaella looked to the side, silently asking Missandei to explain why that man was named Grey Worm.

Knowing what the two Targaryen wanted to know, their new friend started talking, "all Unsullied boys are given new names when they are cut. Grey Worm, Red Flea, Black Rat. Names that remind them what they are...vermin."

Rhaella didn't expect anything else from the slave masters but it still angered her that they did that to those men. As if enslaving them and selling them wasn't enough, and it seemed like Dany thought just like her.

"From this day forward, you will choose your own names. You will tell your fellow soldiers to do the same. Throw away your slave name. Choose the name your parents gave you, or any other," Dany said. "A name that gives you pride," Dany said with fire in her eyes.

"Grey Worm gives me pride," the man said, surprising Rhaella and Dany. "It is a lucky name. The name this one was born with was cursed. That was the name he had when he was taken as a slave. But Grey Worm is the name this one had the day Daenerys Stormborn and Rhaella set him free," the man finished.

When Grey Worm finished speaking Rhaella was left speechless with tears in her eyes. The girl had never thought of how much it meant to those people, for her and Dany it felt good to know they helped them. But for those people, they were free now, most of them didn't even know what freedom meant before the sisters, and now they were serving someone they believed in, someone good. It meant the world to Rhaella that those people chose her sister to be their Queen, and that they trusted both of them so much they would choose to follow them.

The girls mounted their horses and started riding to their next destination, they rode until the sun was starting to set and then they set camp. After setting camp Rhaella went to take a bath, the girl felt she needed it after the long day she had. Two women filled the tub for the girl, to which the Targaryen girl thanked them for it. When the girl finally undressed and entered her tub.

Unlike the other high born ladies Rhaella never liked to have help while she bathed, she liked to be alone, her bath was usually a time of peace for her. Where she had time to think and enjoy her own company.

As soon as Rhaella's naked body entered the scalding hot water her mind immediately went to Westeros. The girl looked down to her chest and saw the leather necklace Jon gave her, even though she didn't have her ring on the necklace anymore she never took it off, it meant too much to her. She wondered how Jon was, ever since he left to join the Night's Watch Rhaella hoped he wouldn't be a ranger, she was sure that was exactly what Jon wanted to be, but the thought of Jon Snow on the other side of the Wall with White Walkers and Wildling scared her. The Targaryen girl really believed there was something out there, White Walkers or not, the girl knew there was something evil on the other side of the Wall buried deep in the snow, she had seen those cold blue eyes in her dreams. So she wanted Jon as far from the creatures as possible.

The girl also wondered what happened to Arya, she knew Sansa was in King's Landing, and Arya was supposed to be there too, but since Ned Stark's beheading Rhaella had not heard a single word about Arya. And Rhaella did not know if that was good or bad, maybe it meant that Arya wasn't in King's Landing, and if she wasn't Rhaella could only hope she was in a better place. Thinking of King's Landing made her feel bad for Sansa, even though they usually didn't see eye to eye the girl didn't deserve to see her father losing his head and having to stay by the side of the King who gave the order. Poor Sansa was all alone in the lion's den and Rhaella could not do anything to help her.

At last the youngest Targaryen's thoughts went to Bran and Rickon, the thought of the two broke the girl's heart. Deep inside she knew they were alive, she didn't know why, but she was sure they were alive, yet, Theon invaded Winterfell and drove the two Starks away, they were alive but they could be hurt, and they were certainly afraid, and the Targaryen girl knew exact;y how that felt.

Part of her wondered why Theon would do that, but part of her knew it had everything to do with pride and his stupid father. And after everything he did Rhaella was not mad at Theon, she was heart broken. She knew deep down the Greyjoy boy was so insecure about who he was and his family that he would do anything to prove himself a real Greyjoy. She was angry at first, but after her first real dream of Theon being tortured her anger turned into sadness.

Rhaella sat in the bathtub for what felt like hours, the girl was so lost in her thoughts, thoughts of the Starks, of Theon, and silent prayers to the Moon and the Stars, hoping that her friends would survive their hardships and that she would see them again.

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