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Show them who we are

     Rhaella Targaryen had been on Aegon's back for hours now, she had found a part of Euron Greyjoy's fleet, a small part which now rested on the bottom of the ocean

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     Rhaella Targaryen had been on Aegon's back for hours now, she had found a part of Euron Greyjoy's fleet, a small part which now rested on the bottom of the ocean. But as Daenerys thought she would, Rhaella decided to fly for longer and look for the rest of the fleet. For the most part the princess and her green flew above the clouds so no one could see them, the girl guided the dragon when they first took flight, but now she knew Aegon would take them were they needed to go, the silver girl enjoyed the wind in her hair until she smelled burning wood and felt the dragon start flying lower.

     When the dragon broke the clouds and flew below them Rhaella saw Casterly Rock, but her eyes quickly shifted to the burning Targaryen fleet by the shore, and as much as the sight enraged the girl, she had finally found the Iron fleet and even thought the their fleet was almost destroyed the Unsullied would have ships to go back to Dragonstone.

     The youngest Targaryen had her sight set on the Iron Fleet, and she took a deep breath before speaking the word, "Dracarys." Aegon let out a loud roar before bathing the boats in fire. The princess could feel the smoke entering her lungs in each breath she took as Aegon flew around and sank the Iron Fleet.

     After most of the Iron Fleet rested on the bottom of the shores of Casterly Rock the princess decided it would be best if she flew back to her sister, she did not want to be another thing Daenerys had to worry about. The flight back to Dragonstone did not take them very long but what confused the girl was when the large green dragon landed on the beach behind Dragonmount instead of the grassland by the cliff. As soon as the dragon landed Rhaella understood why he had landed on the beach, Tyrion Lannister and Varys were there, as if waiting for her.

     The dragon lowered himself and his wing so the princess could step down from his back, as soon as the girl stepped on the sand the dragon roared again and took flight, joining his siblings who were flying over the ocean. When the dragon was in the air Tyrion and Varys approached the princess.

     "Princess, we were worried about you. You have been gone for hours," Lord Varys told the silver girl as she walked closer to them.

     "You don't need to worry about me. Why are you two here?" Rhaella wondered.

     "The King in the North wanted to show our Queen the Dragonglass mines before they started mining it," Tyrion said, and the girl nodded.

     "Did you find the Iron Fleet?" Varys asked, and when the two men saw the look on Rhaella's face they were worried.

     "Yes. The fleet was on Casterly Rock destroying our fleet," Tyrion could hear the anger on the girl's voice.

     "I am afraid we also have bad news," Varys said carefully, not wanting to anger the princess.

     As Tyrion and Lord Varys told the girl about where the Lannister army really was and how they got to the Highgarden and the Tyrells, and all the food they would use to feed the Dothraki and Unsullied.

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