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     This was it, after weeks in the sea Rhaella could finally see Dragonstone, and she felt like her heart would stop

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This was it, after weeks in the sea Rhaella could finally see Dragonstone, and she felt like her heart would stop. After years of hiding and running the girl was finally back to her birthplace, she felt strange, but looking at the dark castle from afar made her excited. Dragonstone was the last surviving piece of the Old Valyrian Empire, and maybe she would find comfort in between the dark walls and dragon shaped stones.

The island had deep sea ports which were perfect to support the big fleet the Targaryen's had now, but to reach the island they would have to take a smaller boat and row to the beach. Rhaella, Dany, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tyrion and Varys waited as the crew prepared  the small boat that would take them to the beach. As the Queen's council and some Unsullied boarded, the young Khaleesi pulled her sister aside.

"I also had something made for you," Dany showed her Rhaella her hand, which had something wrapped in a piece of dark silk. As she unwrapped the silk she revealed a silver pin, a three headed dragon, just like the one Dany had, the one she wore on her hair at that very moment. "I know I am the Queen, but you are as important as I am. We do this together," the Khaleesi smiled at her sister before putting the pin on Rhaella.

"Thank you Dany," the princess said, holding her tears back, she held her sister's hand and smiled looking at their clothes, even their clothes showed that they were equal. Dany wore her Dothraki riding boots and trousers, she wore a long sleeved dress that reached her calves and had two splits near her legs, almost Meereenese style, sharp shoulders and a cape that fell over her shoulders. She wore her family's colors, black clothes and red dragon scales embroidery and beading. Rhaella also wore her family's colors, black clothing and red dragon scales embroidery and beading, like her sister, and her usual black leather boots. But unlike her sister the princess had no cape or a dress on, she wore black trousers and a black long sleeve thick tunic that was fitted around her waist, like her sister's dress, and now she wore her new silver pin on the left side of her chest. As always the princess' hair was as wild as herself, but she did have silver Dothraki jewelry and bells braided into small loose braids all over her silver locks, and somehow the wild wavy hair and the small braids fit the girl better than any other hairstyle ever would.

As the small boat hit the water the Queen's council sat as the Unsullied rowed to shore, but not the Targaryen twins. Rhaella and Daenerys stood watching as the dark castle grew closer, both of them excited for what was to come, and knowing that with each row they grew closer to bring Dany to the throne.

Rhaella and her sister had a proud smile on their faces at the sight of the six dragons screeching and roaring as they flew towards the dark castle, they knew the island would be their home for now, and Rhaella even suspected they could feel it, that this was the home of their ancestors centuries ago.

When they finally reached the beach the Unsullied quickly jumped off the boat to secure it while one of them placed small steps in front of the boat so the Queen and the princess could step off the boat easily. Daenerys was the first to step down the boat, Rhaella following right after her, Dany waited until her sister was by her side to start walking towards the castle. The princess looked around trying to take in as much as she could, the smell of smoke and stone, and the eerie look the whole island had.

As Daenerys stopped to kneel down to touch the sand of their birthplace Rhaella could not take her eyes off the castle that sat on the face of a mountain, a mountain the girl could help but notice had pale grey smoke coming out of the top. When she was younger Rhaella wanted to learn everything she could about the Valyrians and the Old Valyria, and that is how she knew the mountain, or better volcano, was called Dragonmont. The volcano fascinated the girl, it had created the island and it had been the home to six known dragons, and she was sure that would be the place their six dragons would make their lairs.

The sister reached large black steps at the end of the beach, there were few steps between the end of the beach and large gates, the entrance to the island of sorts. By the gates there were large stones shaped as dragon heads, definitely Valyrian, the princess smiled to herself. While the two Targaryens took in every detail they could, two Unsullied walked towards the gates and pushed it open.

At the gates were open Rhaella was in awe, there were probably thousands of steps between the gates and the castle but the view was unlike anything the princess had ever seen, steps built in stones and cliffs that led to the dark castle built on the face of the volcano that built the island, and even from afar the princess could see the large dragons carved on the side of the castle. All along the steps were carved stones, the stones were carved in the shape of dragons and creatures alike, and the princess could only imagine what the inside of the castle looked like. As the sisters walked up the steps the more detail the two could see, they could see Stone Drum, the central keep of the castle, and how it's entrance was shaped in a dragon head, and the big black doors were the dragon's mouth.

Inside of the keep Rhaella relied on the torch in the Unsullied's hand to see anything, the castle was dark and gloomy but it had a familiar feel to it, this was just like the princess felt when she was in the tunnels under Valyria, this is where they belonged. Before walking inside of the Throne Room Rhaella noticed a long yellow banner with a stag inside of a flaming heart and the young princess wasted no time in pulling the banner down, clear disgust on her face as she watched the yellow fabric fall down. Looking up again the silver girl watched as the Unsullied opened yet another large dark doors which led to the Throne Room, the large room had some light coming from large windows, yet was still dark, it was all carved in dark stone, including the throne, with dragons, gargoyles, griffins and many other creatures were carved and shaped in the walls, and even the floor had a large three headed dragon sigil carved into it. The throne itself was beautiful, it was carved into a large stone with beautiful dragon wings carved in the stone around it.

Daenerys climbs a couple of steps and stands right in front of the throne deciding what to do, with Rhaella right behind her, the Queen decided against sitting on the throne, instead she walked to the left of the room, where a dragon tail shaped staircase was placed, the stairs led to the the top floor to the Stone Drum, where the Chamber of the Painted Table was located.

Walking inside of the round room Rhaella and Dany were in awe once again, the room had tall windows and bare black walls, with only one large dragon carved in one of the walls, and the the Painted Table sat in the middle of the room, the tabled was larger than the two sisters could have ever imagined, it had to be at least 50 feet long. The massive table was carved and painted in the shape of Westeros with a raised seat by the location of Dragonstone.

Rhaella watched as her sister walked towards the end of the table and she stood right in front of the tall windows, and Tyrion was following right behind his queen. The princess could not understand how anyone could think someone other than a Targaryen could be Lord of Dragonstone. Just by looking at the dark castle, the carved dragons, and the carved stone, sthe silver girl knew that this castle, this island could only be ruled by a true Targaryen, this was theirs and only theirs. The girl's thoughts were interrupted by her sister's voice.

"Shall we begin?" The Queen asked, looking at her kingdom carved in the Painted Table.

Author's note:

I'm so excited for this part!! On the next chapters I will do my best to really describe Dragonstone because we didn't see/learn much about the castle and island in the show. So as much as I looooove how the castle and the island are shown in the show, when I was doing my research for this chapter I realized that they changed it a lot from the books to the show, so a lot of my description of the castle and the island comes from the books because honestly the castle in the books is awesome. And most of the descriptions I found I got from A Wiki of Ice and Fire, it's and awesome website and they deserve all the credit.

I really hope you guys enjoy it!

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