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     "Fire!" it was all Jory Bolton heard

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     "Fire!" it was all Jory Bolton heard. The boy soldier was the only one in his group that decided not to go to his room right away, he decided to scope the area one last time before going to sleep, and it was very worth it. While walking around the Bolton boy found someone he would never imagine would be there, Ser Barristan Selmy, and the boy only recognized him because bis uncle had sent him to Winterfell around the time the King was visiting and he remembered being mesmerized by the old knight, wishing to be one himself.

     Jory was walking up to speak to the knight when he heard someone scream fire for the first time, but what worried him and the old knight the most was when someone said "I burned the Targaryen whore," and that made Jory ran towards the fire, followed by Ser Barristan.

     When the pair got to the fire some people were trying to put it away, but they knew it would take time, and while they did that Jory went after the man who claimed he set the fire.

     "Oi, was it you who set the fire?" Jory asked the man.

     "Yes," the man said with pride, "I rid ourselves of that whore, and gave her the fate every Targaryen deserves. You are welcome lads," and before the man could say another thing Jory unleashed his sword and stabbed the man in the stomach. The people around him were shocked, and thought of him as a mad man, so they ran. By the end of the night only Jory, Ser Barristan and the owner of the inn were left standing in front of the dying fire.

     Jory had tears in his eyes when looking at the fire, his friends and the girl they were supposed to protect were there, dead and burning. Jory was about to walk away when a voice interrupted him.

     "You look like a northerner," Ser Barristan spoke to Jory for the first time, but he never took his eyes off the fire.

     "I am, the name is Jory Bolton," the boys said, also looking at the fire.

     "Why were you with the Princess?" the old knight asked.

     "We were taking her to her sister," Jory explained, "and why are you here?" He asked, turning to Ser Barristan.

     "I came after her, to protect her and take her to her sister. I hear she is a Khaleesi, and a good one," Ser Barristan explained.

     "And now it's all over," Jory almost whispered, looking at the dying fire again.

     Ser  Barristan sat on the floor and said, "we don't know that for sure."

     The Bolton boy looked back at Ser Barristan, the boy had rage in his eyes, "yes, we do! Look at that," and he pointed to the fire, "they are gone! They burned alive, they are dead," and his voice became weak in the last words.

     "Then we wait, we get whatever is left of them and we give them a proper burial. I owe Rhaella that," Ser Barristan said. For some reason the old man felt he should wait, he wanted to see her bones for himself before going away, and he wanted to do right by her and give her the burial she deserved.

     The knight's words made Jory realize he was right, his friends deserved a proper burial. So he sat down by Ser Barristan and waited. Both of them waited and waited, they sat there until they were the only ones left, even the inn's owner had left, and when people passed them they gave them looks, they couldn't understand why two men were sitting in front of a fire, watching it as it died down. The two sat there until dawn, and by that time the fire was completely out, the sun was starting to shine, and strangely enough, a red comet could be seen in the sky.  Jory had fallen asleep and Ser Barristan, seeing the fire was gone, had decided to look for the girl's burned bones. It deeply upset the man that he couldn't save Rhaella, all he wanted was to do right by her mother and protect her, and he couldn't even do that. The knight walked around looking, he kicked around some logs to see if he could find her, he even woke up Jory because of his log kicking, and the boy got up to help him.

     Ser Barristan heard a noise and turned towards that direction, he walked near a big log and saw what he thought was hair. He couldn't believe it, no hair would ever survive a fire, but before he could think too much something moved, and when that something moved Ser Barristan saw the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. Rhaella Targaryen lifted her head up, allowing Ser Barristan to see her untouched face, her face wasn't even red from the head. Ser Barristan still looked amazed when he knelt down to cover the girl with his cloak, but when he got close to the girl he heard a hiss.

     From behind the girl's shoulder and under her hair a tiny red head appeared, that made Ser Barristan stumble back with shock. As the red creature rose to Rhaella's shoulder, a purple one climbed on her arm, and a green one started to spread itself on Rhaella's hand, and they all started to hiss. For Ser Barristan that was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen, dragons, he could not believe it, and when he heard them, gods, he could die now, he would be a happy man.

     Jory heard hissing and turned to that direction, he saw Ser Barristan kneeling and thought that the man had finally found Rhaella, but when he walked towards the man, to where the hissing got louder, he saw something he thought was impossible. The Bolton boy saw Rhaella Targaryen, alive and unburned, hugging her legs, and then he saw the little things on her shoulder, arm and hand, Jory couldn't believe his eyes.

     The girl was dirty because of the ashes but she looked more beautiful than she ever did. It was a sight to see, the sun shining from behind Rhaella, and the red comet adorning the sky also behind her, and the dragons, oh the dragons, hissing in all of their glory. Jory couldn't stand anymore, too amazed to do anything else, so he fell on his knees for his Princess.

Author's note:
THE DRAGONS ARE BORN, I'm so excited for this part, and I hope you guys like it!

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