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     Cersei Lannister looked annoyed, everyone looked straight forward, not wanting to meet the enemy's eyes, but the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms looked forward because she hoped to see the Dragon Queen and her sister walking in soon enough

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     Cersei Lannister looked annoyed, everyone looked straight forward, not wanting to meet the enemy's eyes, but the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms looked forward because she hoped to see the Dragon Queen and her sister walking in soon enough. Queen Cersei was as annoyed as she looked, the only reason she agreed to this meeting was so she could get a good look on Daenerys' armies, as she knew the Targaryen Queen would show her full forces in that meeting, but even that was not worth any more second in the presence of these people.

     "Where are they?" Cersei broke the uncomfortable silence, and looked at her little brother for the first time since she walked into the pit.

     "They will be here soon," Tyrion answered, not looking at his sister.

     "Didn't travel with you?" Cersei's harsh tone was evident for anyone in the group.

     "No," Tyrion looked at his sister for the first time. Cersei just looked straight again, annoyed at the wait, but Jaime Lannister was afraid he knew what that meant, he looked at his friend Brienne of Tarth, who looked worried because of the look on his face.

     Ser Jaime was proven right when a few seconds later very loud screeches and roars were heard, and wings flapping were heard, so loud anyone in the pit was sure everyone on King's Landing all the way to the Reach heard them.

     As soon as the roars were heard Jaime Lannister and everyone else jumped to their feet. Jaime Lannister's face turned to horror when the roar filled the air, he remembered the last time he heard those, he remembered the burned bodies and how they smelled, he remembered Bronn's burned flesh, and most of all he remembered the black beast red eyes staring right at him before spitting fire in his direction. Soon enough five very large dragons descended from the clouds. Euron Greyjoy looked at the beasts in awe, he could only imagine what he would do with such creatures, and Theon did not miss the smirk on his uncle's face. Brienne of Tarth joined Jon Snow and Ser Jaime in the middle of the pit, looking at the large dragon's with wide eyes, hearing about the was one thing, but seeing these creatures landing on the side of the Dragonpit was something else, she was terrified, but seeing a dragon, it was like she had done everything she had even dreamed of.

     Two of the dragons were higher in the sky, while three of them descended into the side of the pit, and as they did the Lannister soldiers scurried away, shaking in fear. The purple one landed on the left, the green one landed on the right on top of the main entrance to the pit, and the black one landed on the right. The purple dragon roared ferociously, shaking the whole building that sat on the Hill of Rhaenys. The black and the purple walked down until their wings hit the floor, and that was when the group saw two silver haired heads, one on top of each dragon. The dragons were so big the three took up almost half of the Dragonpit. Queen Cersei Lannister looked at the beasts with a sour look on her face, she would never admit it, but she knew her chances of winning this war became slimmer at every second, but she also noticed how there was one dragon missing.

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