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Together at last

     Daenerys Targaryen followed a little girl curiously, it made her smile seeing a child have fun in a city like Astapor, while Ser Jorah told her how the Unsullied lives would be better serving her

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     Daenerys Targaryen followed a little girl curiously, it made her smile seeing a child have fun in a city like Astapor, while Ser Jorah told her how the Unsullied lives would be better serving her. She found the little girl on the dock, the girl smiled at her and rolled a ball towards the Queen, who smiled and crouched to get the ball. When she did the little girl gestured to her telling her to open the ball, which she did but before she could open the ball completely a hand hit her own making her drop the ball, and the girl ran away.

     Ser Jorah, seeing that the man had a dagger, grabbed him, making Dany fall. On the floor, the young Khaleesi saw a green scorpion coming out of the ball and before she could do anything the scorpion started to run towards her. Dany crawled backwards but before the scorpion could get to her the mysterious man, who had thrown Ser Jorah away from him, stabbed the insect and killed it. When Daenerys looked to her side she saw the little girl hissing at her, the girl was scary now, with black teeth and the look of death. The girl ran and the mysterious man ran after her, but when he got close the girl had already disappeared. Dany, Ser Jorah and the man turned around and saw the girl on top of a building, leaving the three of them very confused.

     "The warlocks," Dany told Ser Jorah. The Khaleesi turned back to the man and walked towards him, "I owe you my life, Ser."

     The man started to take off his hoodie and said, "the honor is mine, My Queen."

     Dany looked at him confused and asked Ser Jorah, who looked at the man as if he recognized him, "you know this man?"

     Ser Jorah nodded and said, "I know him. As one of the greatest fighters the Seven Kingdoms has ever seen. And as the Lord Commander of Robert Baratheon's Kingsguard," at the final part Ser Jorah sounded defensive.

     "King Robert is dead," Ser Barristan said and walked closer to the Queen. "I have been searching for you, Daenerys Stormborn, to ask your forgiveness. I was sworn to protect your family. I failed them," the old knight kneeled in front of the young Queen. "I am Barristan Selmy, Kingsguard to your father. Allow me to join your Queensguard and I will not fail you again," the man said and bowed his head down to his Queen. Ser Barristan looked at Daenerys again and said, "I have brought you someone,'" as Ser Barristan said that a figure appeared behind him.

     A figure that had been there all along, watching. She saw what happened to the young girl and how the knight saved Khaleesi's life. The same figure heard everything, Daenerys thanking the knight and the latter swearing his sword to the Targaryen Queen, and when that was done, that is when the figure decided to approach.

     At first Dany couldn't see who the person was but as the figure walked closer to her and Ser Barristan that's when she saw. Daenerys saw a face that she had never seen before, yet that face was so familiar, pale face, purple eyes and long silver hair. The young Queen knew who that was before even thinking of it, she had never seen her, yet she would recognize her anywhere, her sister, Rhaella Targaryen.

"You didn't fail us," Rhaella told Ser Barristan. Ser Barristan turned around to look at the Princess and Ser Jorah looked in awe, he had never met the girl but he would recognize a Targaryen anywhere.

     Rhaella gave her sister a bright smile and said, "hello sister."

     The two didn't waste time; they ran towards each other and hugged. For Rhaella, who had her eyes closed while her and her sister hugged, that was the first time she hugged family in alonge time. Dany finally felt like she had finally found her family, yes Viserys was her brother but he hadn't acted like it for a long time before his death. The two knights watched the scene unfold in front of them with pride and happiness, at last the last two Targaryens were reunited.

     The sisters hugged for what felt like hours and when they pulled away they looked tenderly at each other. "Come," Dany said, hooking her arm with her sister's, "we are staying in our boat, let me show you," and Rhaella nodded in agreement. Daenerys knew about her sister's real dreams so she had to ask, "do you know about my dragons?"

     Rhaella nodded again, smiling, "yes, I saw it was like I was there with you when it happened." The sisters were approaching Daenerys' boat when Rhaella spoke again, "mine hatched too," before Dany could say anything Rhaegon flew right on top of their heads going towards the boat.

     "That is amazing," said Dany looking at her sister's dragons interacting with her own. Drogon and Rhaenya were flying together and playing, Rheagal and Aegon were catching fish together, and Rhaegon and Viserion were basking in the sun enjoying each other's company. The scene made Ser Jorah's eyes go wide, it was an unbelievable sight, a couple of years ago dragons had been extinct for hundreds of years, now, six of them stood in front of him.

     "You have to tell me everything about your journey and your dragons," Dany said, sitting down on a chair and gesturing for Rhaella to sit down with her.

     The two sisters sat on the deck of the ship for the rest of the day, they talked about everything. Rhaella told Dany about the North, the Starks, about her life before her journey and how she got her dragons, Dany told her about her life before, when Viserys was still a caring brother, about Khal Drogo, and her life with the Dothraki, she even promised to teach her sister the language. Dany also told her sister about the Unsullied and how she planned on getting them.

     By the end of the day it was as if the two sisters had known each other for all of their lives.

     Rhaella had never been happier, it was as if she finally belonged somewhere, but she could not forget about her two boys, one with blue eyes and auburn hair, and the other with dark hair and a cocky grin, she missed her friends a lot. Some time after her wolf and kraken grin she had received a letter from Robb, telling her about how he has a crown now, and about how Theon betrayed him, took Winterfell and killed his brothers, as if the first part would make the last one any more bearable. Her two boys, who were men now, were brothers, and now fought against each other like enemies, and that broke Rhaella's heart.

Author's note:

Hello my people, I'm so excited about this part. So Rhaella knows what is happening  between Robb and Theon, and even thought she is far away she considers them her best friends. Also I gave my mom Robb a crown just like in the books because he deserves it.

Also, I was watching some videos of season 8 and I know it's far away but I wanted to let you guys know that I will not let Jon Snow ride a dragon in this book, unless he is riding wit Dany, but just the thought of that man riding Rhaegal is blasphemy for me.

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