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The fall of King's Landing

     Rhaella Targaryen stared at herself in the polished silver mirror

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     Rhaella Targaryen stared at herself in the polished silver mirror. Her silver gold hair is once again tamed in Dothraki braids with bells and jewelry on it, she had her black leather boots on; and she wore a black leather tunic that reached the middle of her thighs with red scales embroidered into it, and her black riding pants under her armor. The messy faded black paint on her eyelids somehow matched her clothes, it made her look more confident than ever, but she felt sick on the inside.

     This was it, that was the day her and her sister would finally take back the throne that was taken from them. That was the day where they would finally take King's Landing back and Dany would finally sit on the throne. Rhaella felt very confident on their plan, but a small part of her was afraid, this is what she and Dany had fought to most of their lives, she did not know what she was without the fight, Dany would rule, but Rhaella was not sure what would happen to her after her sister was seated on the throne, and for that moment she forgot about the Night King and White Walkers beyond the Wall.

     Rhaella's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door, and she knew it could only be one person, her sister, and she knew it was time. The princess walked towards the door, and as she opened it she came face to face with her sister. Daenerys' hair was perfectly braided with bells and jewelry on her braids, and right on top of her head sat the crown Rhaella gave her, with braids around it, making it sit in place. The Queen wore a black leather tunic with a red three headed dragon embroidered on her chest, she wore black pants and riding boots, Jon had also made Daenerys an armor, and she wore that on top of her clothing. Dany's armor was polished silver with black leather accents and the same red three headed dragon over her chest as Rhaella's.

     Dany did not say anything to her sister, they just both gave each other nervous smiles and held hands, walking together towards the grassy cliff where their dragons were at. Their walk from the Sea Dragon Tower felt like the longest walk of their lives, with every step the princess felt her heart beat faster and faster. When they arrived at the grassy field Rhaegon, Drogon, Rhaegal, Rhaenya, Aegon and Viserion waited for them in the grass, Rhaella smiled when she saw the cream and gold dragon, happy he felt well enough to leave the cave he had been in for the past fortnight or two. While the Dragon Queen walked towards the black dragon, Rhaella walked towards her red, both dragons already had their wings and necks lowered so the two Targaryen sisters could climb on their backs. As Rhaella sat on Rhaegon's back she felt like they were invincible, and once they were in the sky, above the clouds she felt untouchable, but when she looked behind her at Viserion her heart hurt, even dragons were not invincible, and that scared her, aside from her sister her dragons were the only family she had, and she could not lose any of them.

     Rhaella only paid attention on her surroundings once Rhaegon started moving under her, and looking to her side she saw that Dragon, Aegon, Rhaenya and Rhaegal were all walking towards the cliff, the princess could only guess Dany had commanded the dragons to fly, and soon enough her red jumped off the cliff, flapping his wings until all she could see were clouds under her. Dany and Drogon were on her left, while Rhaenya was on her right, and Aegon and Rhaegal were right above her and her sister. Rhaella felt peaceful above the clouds, this was where she belonged and the heat from her dragon and the wind on her hair calmed down like nothing else could, at that moment the princess was sure everything would be alright, their plan would be successful and soon enough Daenerys would sit in the Iron Throne.

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