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Dreams under the stars

     A couple of days had gone by, or weeks maybe, Rhaella did not know, the girl had lost track of time already

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A couple of days had gone by, or weeks maybe, Rhaella did not know, the girl had lost track of time already. She felt strange, being in Valyria felt like she had another life, one that she did not have to worry about anything, and part of her loved it, but part of her missed her old life, Meereen and her sister, and those things seemed so distant now. The girl had not seen Rhaegon or Drogon since she met the family, but she felt Rhaegon's presence, she knew he was close and probably watching her and her new friends.

In the time Rhaella had been in Valyria she had worked harder than she had ever in her life, the girl had to wash her own clothes, cook, and gather food, common things but she always had someone to do for her. And now Rhaella found herself in the shallow part of the river, with her pants rolled up past her knees, right above where the water hit her leg, and a spear in her hands, while Saera tried to teach the Targaryen girl how to fish.

"This is useless," Rhaella said, after trying and failing yet again to hit a fish.

"Mother said that if you don't catch the fish we won't eat fish today," Saera told the girl.

"Then we will starve," the princess said, throwing the spear in the river.

"You have to learn," the dark skinned girl told her.

"I learned everything else, I just do not think hunting is for me," the princess said.

"You are much like my brother," Saera said rolling her eyes, she put the spear down, giving up from teaching the girl on how to catch fish.

The two girls stepped out of the river and walked back to the small courtyard in front of the house, where they were sure Daenora would be cooking something.

"Did the girl catch anything?" The older woman asked her daughter, who just shook her head to her. "Alright them, we will eat soup tonight. And we will talk to the gods," Daenora said, looking up at the stars that were coming out as the sun started to set.

Rhaella looked towards Saera and Gaemon, who now stood by his sister, she did not know what the older women meant by' talk to the gods'. "It's a mushroom soup, it makes you sleep and dream," Gaemon explained to her.

While Rhaella and Gaemon prepared the table, Deanora finished cooking the soup, and Saera prepared their beds. They weren't beds as the princess was used to, they were more like a bunch of furs, blankets and rags tossed together on the floor, but it was comfortable all the same. The three young Valyrians often slept outside under the stars, and that night would not be different.

When the mother had finished the soup she filled each of the four bowls and placed a small piece of bread by their plates, bread which Rhaella had made that morning, and the princess could not be more proud of her bread.

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