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The merchant from Myr

The merchant from Myr

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"Dear Robb, 

How are you? How is your crown treating you?
I'm sending you this letter to let you know that me, Jory and Ser Barristan just arrived in Myr, now we are in a small Inn and we will try to find out where Dany is.
The voyage was terrible, but I did meet an interesting woman on the ship, her name is Zara, and she is a Red Priestess for R'hllor, she had some very interesting stories.
I'm also sending this to make sure you are alright, being King and being at war is not easy, and if you need me I can go back.
Send Theon my love, and my regards to your Lady mother.

     As soon as she finished writing the letter Rhaella sent it, she knew now that she was in Essos the raven would take longer to get to Robb. The girl often wondered how her friends were, and she wondered what would have been if she stayed, but she also wondered what would be when she met her sister. 

     Rhaella went back to her room and she found Ser Barristan and Jory by the door talking to a man that looked like a guard. When the men heard Rhealla walking in their direction they turned towards her.

     "Princess, this is a guard for Thanatos of Myr, a very influential merchant, he heard you were in town and invited us to stay in his estate," Ser Barristan told the Princess.

     The guard gave the girl a small bow and said, "he said it would be an honor for you to stay in his estate Princess."

     "It seems that important people love to invite us to their properties now," Rhaella said sarcastically. What do you think?" The girls asked Ser Barristan and Jory.

     "I think it would be nice," Jory said.

     "Lord Thanatos is being generous, I think we should go," Ser Barristan added.

     "Then we go," Rhaella said, for the second time in a month.

     Again, Ser Barristan and Jory grabbed their belongings and took it to the carriage that would take them to Thanatos' estate, while Rhaella went to her room and grabbed her dragons. They were growing fast, and Rhaella could feel it, stronger, bigger, and heavier. The girl's shoulders, arms, and hands got sore now if she carried them for a long time, so she would make the dragons switch sides once in a while, but she still had them as close to her as she could.

     After a short ride full of stares, the three companions arrived at Thanatos' estate, it looked like a very modern castle, the young Targaryen thought it was beautiful. As they walked up the marble stairs they saw a man waiting for them on top of the stairs.

     The man gave Rhaella a small bow, "Princess, it is an honor to have you here," he said eyeing her dragons. Rhaella nodded but didn't say anything, for some reason she didn't have a good feeling about the man, but he was letting them stay at his house for a while, so she decided to give him a chance.

     "Thank you for inviting us Lord Thanatos, how can we ever repay your kindness?" Rhaella said politely.

     "No need for that, it is an honor to have one of the last members of House Targaryen in my house," the man gave her a sly smile.

     "Well, thank you my Lord, I promise you we won't be here for long," she assured him.
The man waved to a girl inside of the house, a young girl, but unmistakably a servant, "she will show you your chambers, Princess. And he will show you yours, my Lords," and he pointed to a young boy, also a servant.

     The young girl took Rhaella to what would be her chambers while there, it was the biggest room Rhaella had ever seen. When she walked in she looked around amazed, and at the far right side of the room she saw a big bathtub that could probably fit two people in it.

     "We will prepare a bath for you Princess," the servant pulled Rhaella out of her thoughts. The girl looked scared, and she kept far from the princess, Rhaella assumed it was because of her dragons.

     "Thank you," Rhaella said softly, and the girl looked at her almost as if she was surprised by her kindness.

     The young servant told Rhaella Thanatos had invited her and her companions for supper at his hall, so the girl should take a bath.

     Rhaella took a long bath and when she came out the girl had laid out dresses for her. The youngest Targaryen had never seen anything like that, the dresses were beautiful, made of the finest silk, and so soft. The silver haired girl picked a violet dress that complimented her eyes well. The dress was simple but beautiful nonetheless, it was plain violet, tight on the girl's torso, but loose from her waist down. When she finished getting ready she walked out of the room, and outside there was another servant waiting to take her to the hall for supper. Rhaella took notice of how skinny and scared all the servants looked, and also how quiet they were.

     Rhaella would have left her dragons in her room for a supper like this, but for some reason she didn't trust this place or her host. So the girl walked in the direction of the hall with her dragons, Rhaegon on her right shoulder, Rhaenya on her left, and Aegon on her right arm.

     The girl met Ser Barristan and Jory at the entrance of the hall, and together they went in. Only Thanatos was there but the table was full of food, more food than Rhaella had ever seen.

     "Sit my friend, and enjoy," their host said, opening his arms gesturing to the giant table. The three sat down and ate in silence, Thanatos was the only one who talked, talking about the things he got and how he got them. Rhaella and the others realized that in most of his stories he only got the gold because he cheated someone for it, and the man took pride in that. 

     When he finally was done talking about his conquests he looked at Rhaella, gave her a yellow and creepy smile and said, "so Princess, tell me how you got your dragons."

Author's note:
Hi guys, I'm sorry it took me so long to update, I just have been working a lot and this week has been terrible for me. But I will try to update again before the weekend. This part is almost at the end, next chapter should be the last.

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