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Mother's eyes

     Since the news that the king was coming to Winterfell people have been running around trying to get everything ready for the king and his family

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     Since the news that the king was coming to Winterfell people have been running around trying to get everything ready for the king and his family. Rhaella didn't know how to feel about this news, the usurper who murdered her brother was coming, she would see him and his family for the first time, the girl despised all of them, Robert was a murderer and an usurper, and the Lannisters were traitors. She just wished she wasn't there for their arrival or stay, but she knew she had nowhere else to go.

     'Stay away from all of them, and always keep you head down' she remembered what Lord Stark told her, she was told she looked like her mother, so she couldn't risk anyone recognizing her, she could dye her hair, but she could not do anything about her violet eyes.

     "Are you alright?" Theon asked her.

     "Yes, thank you for asking. I just don't know how I feel about the king and his lot coming" she explained.

     "I will be here if you need to talk," the Greyjoy boy said and held her hand, and she looked at him with loving eyes. Rhaella Targaryen was the person Theon cared about the most, she understood him, both taken from their families and being raised with the Starks, who were good to them, but the feeling of being an outsider never really left them, especially the boy.

     Rhaella on the other hand was completely infatuated with the boy, she knew nothing would come out of it. He was older and had his way with women, by the time she was ready to get married he would probably be married with a beautiful woman, but she still dreamed of it, like she dreamed of her family.

     "The king has arrived" the pair heard someone scream, as they heard the gates opening, so they went to meet the Starks and greet the king and Rhaella put her hood up. When they arrived Rhaella stood behind Theon and Jon, so no one would see her.

     When the king arrived everyone bowed and got on their knees, Rhaella hated it, she hated that she had to get on her knee for that filthy man, she was the rightful princess of the Seven Kingdoms, and she had to bow for the usurper, dragons don't bow, the girl thought. They all got back up, the king and lord Stark went to the crypts while everyone else got back to their normal affairs.

     Rhaella stayed away, she wasn't allowed to go to the feast and even if she was, she wouldn't go, so when it was time for the feast the silver haired girl stood outside talking to the Stark's bastard, and watching him hit a dummy, when they heard a voice.

     "Is he dead yet?" they hear the man said, who they saw was Benjen Stark.

     "Uncle Benjen!" Jon said hugging his uncle.

     "Hello Benjen," said Rhaella, hugging the man.

     "Rhae," the man said to her.

      Rhaella decided to leave the two to talk alone, so she walked away to the other side of the castle, just taking the scenery in. Even though she hated the cold she had to admit, the north was beautiful, she was always freezing, but at least she had a beautiful view. Rhaella was so lost in her thoughts she didn't notice a man in front of her until she bumped into him. "I'm sorry" she said, she was looking at the floor but before she could look up she saw the golden cloak that belonged to the Kingsguard, the girl's eyes went wide.

     "It's alright girl" the man said, and when he saw that the girl kept her head down and started at the floor. "You are alright girl?" He asked, picking her head up gently.

     When Rhaella looked up she saw an older looking man, and when he looked at her his eyes went wide. "You..." that was all the man could say, he was speechless. "You are her daughter."

     Rhaella was shaking on the inside, but she kept her cool expression, "I doubt you know my mother my lord, she was a wildling beyond the wall" the girl said.

     "My name is Barristan Selmy. Your hair might be black, but I recognize those eyes anywhere, she was right about having twins. You look just like her... Rhaella" he whispered the last part, he was looking at her with a tender expression.

     "I don't know what you are talking about" the girl denied once again.

     "I understand..." he said looking at her tenderly, and before she could leave he said again "I want you to know that I'm sorry, I was supposed to protect her too and I failed, and I'm deeply sorry for it, princess."

     The girl looked at the knight with an indescribable expression, no one had apologized to her, ever, not even for what happened to her mother, and that meant so much to her. "Thank you Ser Barristan" and the girl started walking away.

     "Wait, girl! What is your name?" He asked

     "I was named after her" and with that Rhaella walked back to her room. She was happy, it was nice to meet someone that didn't judge her because of her father and her brother.

     Rhaegar, for half of her life she loved him, and for the other half she hated him, if he didn't go after Lyanna Stark her family would still be here, she would be with her mother and her siblings, not hiding in the north bowing to the usurper, and all of that because her brother couldn't stay away from Lord Stark's sister.

     Rhaella decided to go back to her room, she had had enough of this day and she planned to sleep until morning, and hopefully she wouldn't run into anybody the next day. Rhaella took her hair out of her braid, put her sleeping gown on and fell asleep.


Rhaella was on the outskirts of Winterfell grabbing flowers, it was getting colder and colder with each passing day, and she hated it. Rhaella bent down to grab another flower and she heard something coming from the woods, the silver haired girl looked up and saw two blue orbs, the girl got scared, so she ran, ran back to Winterfell. Once she passed the city gates she saw a wolf on top of a roof, she thought it looked like Summer, Bran's direwolf, Summer started walking and jumping from roof to roof, like she had never seen a wolf jump before.

She ran after the wolf, she was mesmerized by the wolf, but she also had a bad feeling about it, so she ran, always keeping her eyes on the wolf.

The wolf jumped on the highest tower of Winterfell, she tried to scream at the wolf to get him to get down, but nothing would come out. The wolf looked straight at the girl and then looked back at the sky, and as if the wolf was pushed, it fell down from the top of the tower. The girl tried to run after it, but the world around her started to get foggy.


Author's Note:

So I just wanted to let you guys know that the lats part, the bold and italicized is Rhaella's dream. I hope you guys enjoy it.

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