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     The smile on the man's face when he asked about the dragons made Rhaella uneasy, but what made her feel worse was what he asked her when she had finished telling him her story, from which she left several details out

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     The smile on the man's face when he asked about the dragons made Rhaella uneasy, but what made her feel worse was what he asked her when she had finished telling him her story, from which she left several details out.

     "How much Princess?" The man asked, still smiling, leaving Rhaella, Ser Barristan and Jory confused.

     "How much for what?" The girl asked uneasily.

     "For the dragon of course," Thanatos said, as if it was obvious. "How much do you want for them?"

     "They are not for sale," Rhaella answered with a harsh tone, and an even harsher look.

     "Nonsense, everything is for sale. And I know you barely have any gold left, so how do you expect to get to your sister, I heard he is in Qarth you know. I'm giving you an opportunity," the older man told her, and it sounded like he believed in himself and what he was telling her was true.

     "They are not for sale," Rhaella said coldly, and the man looked at her almost as if he was offended. The girl got up with her dragons and walked out of the great hall, and she could hear Ser Barristan and Jory walking behind her.

     She could not believe he was trying to buy her dragons, and what angered Rhaella even more is that he thought he was helping her. As if gold could ever pay for her dragons, they were priceless, and they were her family.

     The girl walked back to her chambers, she was determined to leave that place, she knew she couldn't trust Thanatos and she did now want to be there anymore.

     The youngest Targaryen started packing, she grabbed the silk dresses Thanatos gave her. He did give her those dresses, besides the clothes she brought with her from the North and Westeros were too thick for her to wear them in Essos, where it was always so sunny and hot.

     When Rhaella was almost done packing she heard her door open, at first she thought it was Jory or Ser Barristan, but when she heard her dragons hiss like they never had before she turned around. What Rhaella saw was Thanatos and four of his guards standing at the door.

     "Where are you going Princess," the man asked, giving her a yellow smile.

     "We are leaving," Rhaella answered firmly. Thanatos was impressed, even in the worst situations Rhaella never showed fear.

     "Well, you can go, but your dragons stay," Thanatos told her, as if it was simple.

     "My dragons go wherever I go," the youngest Targaryen stood her ground and gently moved her hand towards the bed, where her dragons were, so they would climb into her hand.

     At this point Rhaella stood proud with a daring look in her eyes, like a dragon, with Rhaegon on her left shoulder, Rhaenya on her right, and Aegon on her right forearm. Her dragons stood as proud as Rhaella herself, hissing and flapping their wings.

     The merchant stared at the scene feeling uneasy, so he looked at one of his guards and nodded, "take them," he told the guard. The guard looked uneasy, he knew what would happen to him if he disobeyed his master, but at the same time facing three dragons and a fearless Targaryen girl was a terrifying thought. The guard looked between his master and the girl and he advanced towards the girl carefully. The guard was almost in a fighting stance, preparing himself for a fight, he got closer and closer to the girl, and when he got close enough he extended his hand slowly but before he could touch her green's scaly wing Rhaella made everyone stop with one word.


     Before Thanatos and his guards could process what the word meant the dragons breathed fire on the guard near them. Rhaegon was the only dragon who spread his wings while he breathed fire and that was the only thing the merchant could focus on, it was like he was hypnotized, he completely ignored his guard's agonizing screams and his body that was still in flame falling to the ground. All the man could see was the scarlet red dragon in the girl's shoulder, and at the moment her red was the thing Thanatos wanted the most.

     At that moment the guards had stepped down in fear, while their master approached the girl slowly with a dagger in his hand, always looking at Rhaegon. And at that exact moment Ser Barristan and Jory, who heard the commotion, had just walked into the room, with their swords in their hands. When Jory saw the scene unfolding in front of his eyes he didn't think twice, he ran towards the merchant and drove his sword into the man's back. Thanatos gasped in surprise, looking down and seeing the sword coming out of his stomach, before he fell down he looked at Rhaella who looked as proud as she ever had, with a bloody face, his own blood that had splashed on her face. Rhaella's proud eyes fell when one of the guards reacted and plunged his spear in Jory's chest. As soon as a scream left Rhaella's month Ser Barristan cut one of the guards down and Rhaella took flight, Rhaegon and Aegon following her and the three of them burned the guard who killed Jory.

     Rhaella had never felt more worthless, she had three dragons and yet she couldn't protect her friend, whose body lay on the floor bloodied and lifeless by the girl's feet. The youngest Targaryen knelt down and held Jory, she cried silently, still not believing her friend was dead. Rhaella only got up when Ser Barristan pulled her up and hugged her, while her dragons went back to the girl's shoulders and hand. The old knight also felt Jory's death, he had grown to like the boy and enjoy his company, and he admired how such a young man could be so dedicated to protecting someone.

     That evening Ser Barristan and Rhaella built a small pyre to put Jory's body in, and later that evening Rhaella didn't even need to say the word for her dragons to breathe fire upon the pyre and lit it. Rhaella sat there until the fire burned out, while she sat by the pyre Ser Barristan collected supplies from Thanatos' estate, he took some gold, good horses, food, enough to last them until they found Daenerys.

     When the sun rose again the now two companions and the three dragons were on the road, riding towards Qarth, where Rhaella hoped to be finally be reunited with her sister and Ser Barristan hoped to serve a deserving queen. And they did not plan on stopping until they had found Daenerys Targaryen.

Author's note:

Hello my loves, this is the end of this part. I really hope you guys liked it and part 3 should be coming right up, where Rhaella will finally be reunited with Dany.

Also I had this crazy idea of making a AU where Robb, Joffrey and all of those people are alive when Dany, and now Rhaella, go to Westeros with their big ass dragons, I like the shock that would cause Joffrey.

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