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The road to Yunkai

The road to Yunkai

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     "Who is Rhaella?" Theon woke up to Ramsay's voice asking him the question.

     The Greyjoy boy was still strapped to the wooden cross, he had been cut and mutilated and after passing out from the pain he had dreamed of Rhaella. It was a simple dream, he and Rhaella sat by the small lake in the Godswood in Winterfell and talked, they talked about everything and he even saw one of her dragons. But the most important part of the dream, the one he cherished the most, was when Robb appeared, the Stark boy had never looked happier, he looked down at Theon and he told Theon that he forgave him, and that meant more to Theon than anything else. Robb came, sat down with them and talked, and by the end of the dream Rhaella threw water at her friends, making them laugh.

     Oh how Theon wished he kept dreaming, that he never woke up.

     "I will not ask again. Who is Rhaella?" Ramsay asked, pointing at Theon with a knife.

     Theon refused, Ramsay had taken a lot from him, his dignity was the main one, but he would not let Ramsay take Rhaella, he would not let Ramsay take the memory he had of his best friend and twist it. Robb hated him now, and he wanted to keep Rhaella and her memory to himself.

     "Just a girl I met. She was the best I've ever had," Theon lied, hoping Ramsay would believe him.


Road to Yunkai

     Rhaella Targaryen sat outside of their camp, the girl was on a cliff watching the ocean. Aegon on both of her shoulders, Drogon and Rhaenya were fighting for a fish, Rhaegon laid by the Targaryen's feet, Rhaegal and Viserion were flying around the girl playing.

     They rode all day after leaving Astapor and they had just stopped, decided to set camp for the night. Daenerys and Missandei went to talk to the Unsullied, to ask them to select a leader among them, and they would give the soldiers the night to choose. Rhaella was going to join them, but had decided against it, the sun was starting to set and the girl wanted to see it. The girl enjoyed the warmth of the last rays of sun and she thought about how much her life had changed.

     She thought of Robb, she hoped he was winning, but she couldn't shake the bad feeling she had when she thought of her friend's wife. Not that the girl didn't like the woman, but since Robb married her the Targaryen girl has had a weird feeling in her chest when she thought of Robb, and it wasn't a good feeling.

     The girl also thought of Theon, it pained her to know that he was suffering, being torture, and she couldn't do anything. One of her greatest friends is suffering, and Rhaella wished her dragons were big enough so she could ride one of them and go after Theon. Sometimes she would dream of it, of the blue eyes she saw in her dreams, the blue eyes and crazy smile that have been torturing her friend, and she had also dreamed of the man burning, Rhaegon breathing fire on the cruel man who hurt her friend.

     And at last, she thought of Jory, her friend that died saving her. She hadn't known the boy for a long time, but they had become close friends. Thinking of Jory made Rhaella feel guilty, if he hadn't been charged with the mission of taking Rhaella to her sister he would still be alive. Oh how she wished he was here, he deserved to be here.

     Rhaella was so distracted with her thoughts she didn't hear Missandei approaching her.

     "Are you alright, Princess?" The girl asked, as polite as ever, making the Princess turn. And as Rhaella turned Aegon spread his wings and flew to join Rhaegal and Viserion.

     "Yes, I was just thinking. Sit," Rhaella said and gestured to the big rock she was sitting on. Missandei didn't know how to respond, she looked surprised, it was the first time someone had invited her to sit. "What my sister said applies to you too, you know?" Rhaella told the ex slave who was now sitting by her, still staring at the rock she was sitting at. "You are not a slave, and you can leave if you wish to," the Targaryen girl told the tanned skinned girl.

     "Yes I know, Princess. But if I leave where would I go? Back to the place where I was born? I have no family, friends, I have no one to go back to. But if I stay, I will be following someone good, you and your sister are good, she is already a good Queen, and if I stay I will be but the side of the people who ended slavery. Yes, I know there will be war, but it will be worth it, and I want to be on the side that changes our world," Missandei told Rhaella.

     That meant so much for Rhaella, how someone they had just met believed in them, that Missandei really believed that they could change the world, and she wanted to be by their side.

     "You won't be by the side of the people who end slavery," Rhaella said and Missandei looked at the Princess confused. "You will be one of those people, you will help us end slavery and give those people a better life. A life worth living for," Rhaella finished.

     Before meeting the Targaryen sisters Missandei thought she was doomed. That she was doomed to live in fear, doomed to be hurt every time she said something her masters didn't like, that she was doomed spending her life serving cruel men and watching as children around her were stolen and given the same life she had. But after meeting Daenerys Stormborn and Rhaella Targaryen Missandei had hope, hope in not only having a good life, but hope in helping change the lives of children and giving them a better life.

     "How many languages do you speak?" Rhaella asked Missandei, still looking at the dragons playing in front of the sunset.

     "19 Princess," Missandei told her.

     "Is Dothraki one of them?" Rhaella asked, smirking and turning to the dark skinned girl.

     "Yes, Princess," Missandei said and smiled at the girl.

     "Could you teach me the language of my sister's people?" Rhaella asked. Missandei smiled again and nodded to the girl.

     The girls spend the next couple of hours on that rock, Rhaella struggling to learn the harsh language of Dany's people, but still happy to be able to learn it and spend time with Missandei.

Author's note:

Hi guys, sorry it took me so long to update, I just had a really rough week. Also, are you guys liking this story? I really like this story but I'm not sure if people are liking it or not.

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