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     It was night already, Rhaella had already changed into her nightgown and was laying on her bed, with Aegon by her side

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     It was night already, Rhaella had already changed into her nightgown and was laying on her bed, with Aegon by her side. The girl and the dragon just laid in silence, enjoying each other's company when she heard a metal noise and saw someone standing outside of her tent's entrance. The girl wasn't worried, Aegon looked in the direction of the noise but didn't get up so she knew she wasn't in danger, but she pulled herself up to see the figure entering her tent.

     Her eyes met a figure she knew, an Unsullied called Black Flea. "Excuse me Princess. Your sister is requesting your presence in her tent," the Unsullied told her.

     "Thank you," the princess said kindly. It still amazed her how surprised the former slaves were by the kindness her and her sister showed them.

     The girl walked out of her tent after the Black Flea, he escorted her to her sister's tent. It wasn't a long walk, yet the Unsullied still insisted in walking the girl. When they arrived at the tent she entered it expecting to see her sister, instead she was met with the sight of blue hair, a very familiar head of blue hair.

     "What is he doing here?" Rhaella asked in a harsh voice, making the three people inside of the tent turn towards her.

     "I swore my sword and the Second Sons to your sister," Daario Naharis told her.

     "Why?" Rhaella asked in the same tone, not trusting the man.

     "Us," Daenerys said, making her sister and Daario turn their heads towards her. "He swore his sword and the Second Sons are ours," Dany said and turned to Daario, "I may be the Queen, but she is my sister, whatever is mine is hers."

     Daario nodded to Dany and turned to Rhaella once again, he kneeled, unholstered his arakh and said "then my sword and the Second Sons are yours."

     Rhaella did not say anything, she just looked at the man, she still did not trust the blue haired man, but she did truste her sister. The girl walked closer to the man, she bent down so she was on the same eye level as him, and she said "if you do anything to hurt my sister I will burn you alive," to which Daario Naharis nodded.

     The princess stood straight, smiled at her sister and Missandei and walked out of the tent.


     Rhaella and Ser Barristan were eating side by side that day, it had been a long time since she last had a full conversation with the old knight.

     "Do you miss your home Ser Barristan? The Seven Kingdoms?" The princess asked him.

     "Sometimes," he said, "but King's Landing didn't feel like home long before I left. One bad king after another will do that," he said sourly, yet he chucked.

     "Where were you from? Before serving as a knight in King's Landing?" Rhaella asked him. "The place you were born," she explained.

     "Harvest Hall," he said simply. "It is in the Stormlands, it is the most fertile land in the region," he told her.

     "Do you miss it?" she asked, curious.

     "I do, after Joffrey removed me from the Kingsguard I thought of going back, but I did not want to put my family in any danger. And that is when I thought of you, there was a war going on and I knew you were right in the middle of it, I thought I owed it to your mother to protect you. So I decided to go back, I wanted to take you to your brother, and offer him my services, but when you told me your brother was dead and told me all about your sister, that is when I had hope, I hoped to finally serve someone good and worthy," Ser Barristan told her.

     "Do you think Jory would have stayed? With us I mean," she asked him.

     "I am sure he would. He was still a young lad, fighting for you and your sister freeing slaves would be a dream of any young man," Ser Barristan said smiling.

     "He would complain about the weather. It's too hot for a northerner here," Rhaella said laughing.

     "That he would," the knight agreed and laughed.

     Rhaella was about to say something else when Ser Jorah approached them. "May I?" He asked gesturing to a seat at their table.

     "Of course Ser Jorah," the girl said. "Would you like some food?" She asked gesturing to the plates they had laid in front of them.

     The man shook his head and said, "thank you, Princess." The Princess liked Ser Jorah, she could see how much he cared for her sister and how loyal he was to them.

     "What about you Ser Jorah, where are you from?" The youngest Targaryen turned to the knight.

     "Bear Island," he said simply.

     "Of course you are a northerner," she said, making both knights laugh. "Do you miss home?" She asked him.

     "I do princess, but I am afraid I can't go back," he told her with a sad smile.

     "When we take the Seven Kingdoms you can go back home," the girl held his hand, trying to comfort him.

     "Thank you princess," Ser Jorah gave her an honest smile.

     The three sat there for a while, talking about the places they came from, and the places they have been, the two knights telling the princess their war stories. It was a good day, Rhaella thought. The girl loved hearing stories, stories about when the Seven Kingdoms were whole and great, it made her think, would the Seven Kingdoms go back to it's glory when her sister took over? She was sure of it, she just hoped the people of Westeros think the same when they cross the Narrow Sea.

     Home, she thought. The girl did not know where her home was, for years home was where her friends were, Theon, Robb and Jon. But for all of those years she felt an empty space in her chest, she thought that space would be filled when she crossed the sea to meet her sister, but it wasn't. Maybe she still had a void in her chest because she left the only home she had ever known, her friends. Maybe, she thought. Or maybe that void needed to be filled by something different, maybe she needed to find herself, she needed to find out who she really was. The only thing she really knew was that she missed her friends very much.

Author's note:

Warning, prepare your tissues for next chapter.

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