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Queen of Thorns

     In Meereen Rhaella Targaryen had discovered how much she enjoyed gardens and plants, they were peaceful and beautiful, and most importantly, people usually did not bother her when she was in between the flowers and trees of the garden

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     In Meereen Rhaella Targaryen had discovered how much she enjoyed gardens and plants, they were peaceful and beautiful, and most importantly, people usually did not bother her when she was in between the flowers and trees of the garden. So when the princess found Aegon's Garden down on Dragon's Tail on the island, she was happy as one could be, this garden was nothing like her Terrace Garden in Meereen, this was a garden made for a dragon. The Dragonstone garden was dark like anything else in the island, with tall dark trees, thorny edges all around, wild roses and cranberries, and it with a piney scent in the air.

     Besides the garden, Rhaella's favorite place on the island had to be her chambers, while Dany took residency in the Stone Drum, Rhaella kept her chambers in the Sea Dragon tower, a large tower near the Stone Drum, on the edge of the island shaped like a dragon gazing across the sea. The girl's chambers had once belonged to Visenya Targaryen, it had large windows that gave the princess, and the Iron Born who shared chambers with her, the perfect view of the sea.

     On that particular day, Dany prepared to meet with the lords that lived on the islands sworn to Dragonstone and some of the smallfolk that lived on the island itself, while Rhaella chose to spend part of her day in the garden with Viserion, who also enjoyed the scents and peacefulness of the garden. The princess sat by the cream and gold dragon almost all morning, and she was only taken out of her daydream when an Unsullied approached her.

    "Princess, your sister is waiting for you," the soldier told her, making her jump from her bench and ran towards Stone Drum.

     The youngest Targaryen ran to the Throne Room as fast as he could and when she finally arrived she tried to fix herself the best she could before entering. Rhaella wore a black dress with red scales embroidered into it, and splits on the skirt which showed her legs and booted feet, with her hair wild as always.

     "Forgive me my lords, sister. I got distracted," the princess walked into the room, her words and the sound of the opening door attracted everyone's attention, making all heads turn towards the girl.

     As Rhaella walked towards her sister Missandei introduced her, "You stand in the presence of Rhaella of House Targaryen, the third of her name, the blood of the Dragon and the Old Valyria, Princess of Dragonstone, and Breaker of Chains."

     "Forgive my sister," the Dragon Queen apologized as soon as her sister was by her side.

     "You have nothing to apologize for," one of the lords spoke, looking between Dany and Rhaella. The lord turned at Dany to resume their conversation.

     "As I was saying, we are at your service my Queen," one other lord bowed his head to Dany.

     "But not long ago you were at Queen Cersei's service, and before that, King Stannis, and before that King Robert Baratheon. It seems like your loyalty shifts to whoever is in power at the moment," Tyrion pointed out, with spite in his voice. Rhaella could tell the Hand did not trust these small lords.

     A very young boy, no older than 12 Rhaella guessed, the boy had almost silver hair and deep blue eyes stepped in front of the other lords. "Monterys Velaryon, Lord of Driftmark," the young boy introduced himself. "House Velaryon was always sworn to House Targaryen, and my father died fighting for Stannis Baratheon. Since the fall of the Targaryens all of us sworn to Dragonstone have been kicked and used by more powerful Lords, and we were loyal to whoever was in power because if not, they would have slaughter us all," the brave boy spoke, and the other lords agreed, nodding their heads and saying 'aye.'

     "We support you, My Queen. But we do not have the men to help you win the Iron Throne back," another Lord stepped up.

     "Oh, Lord Ardrian Celtigar. That one testified against me on my trial," Tyrion pointed out, with venom dripping out of his voice.

     "I did what I had to do to survive," the Lord told the Hand of the Queen.

     "I do not want your men, my Lords," the Khaleesi spoke before Tyrion and Lord Celtigar started an argument. All of the Lords looked at Dany in awe, their men, that was all the Kings and Queens ever wanted, to send their children to war. "I am very well aware of the population of your islands and of the smallfolk that live here in Dragonstone," Dany then turned to the representative the smallfolk chose to the meeting with the Queen. "The islands sworn to Dragonstone have been used by higher Lords and Kings who never thought about the people who lived in those islands, and countless lives have been lost for nothing. What I ask of you My Lords, is that you bend the knee, swear your swords and Houses to House Targaryen, to Queen Daenerys Stormborn and Rhaella of House Targaryen, and in return we swear we will protect you and your people to our last breath," Daenerys told the lords, and then she turned towards the smallfolk, "and the smallfolk that take residence on this island. It is time for the Lord, or Queen, that resides in the island to give you the support you need and help you live a better life."

     After a moment of silence Lord Velaryon was the first to step up, unholster his sword, which looked bigger than himself, and fall down on his knee, the other Lords quickly following his lead, and soon the whole Throne Room was bending the knee for their new Queen. Rhaella smiled at the scene in front of her, her and her sister were already doing things differently, and she knew this was their time.


     After the meeting with the lords Rhaella wanted to go to the library, she was curious to see if the island's library contained any books from Old Valyria. The path to the library required the girl to walk through the garden, and as she walked between the rose bushes she heard someone call her name, turning around she saw an unknown face, but by the looks of the person, she could tell who this was.

     "Lady Olenna Tyrell," the Princess said as she approached the old woman.

     "Can I have a word with you, Princess?" Lady Olenna asked.

     "Of course," the princess sat by the Lady.

     "You are as beautiful as I heard dear," the older Lady, brushed a strand of Rhaella's hair. "And you do not like your sister's Hand," she said sharply, surprising the girl, "I may be old but I am not blind," she spoke.

     "And you live by your title, the Queen of Thorns," she talked about how the Lady was known as. "I do not trust anyone whose last name is Lannister. But I do trust my sister," the Princess told Lady Olenna.

     "So you are beautiful and smart, I like it. May I offer you some advice?" the Queen of Thorns asked the girl.

     "From the Queen of Thorns? I would be honored to receive advice from you whenever you would like to advise me," the silver girl smiled at the older Lady.

     "I am quite tired of stupid man ruling while smart woman are thrown awya just for being woman. Your sister is a powerful woman, and a powerful woman ruling alone and taking what they want scares men. So, protect her, even from men that are sworn to her if needed," Lady Olenna advised the girl.

     The princess smiled and took the Lady's hand into hers, "Lady Olenna, I would burn the whole world down if it meant protecting my sister."

     "The rumors are true, you are a true dragon indeed," Lady Olenna smiled at the girl.

Author's note:

I hope you guys like this chapter! I decided to talk a little about the lords sworn to Dragonstone and the people that lived on the island because the show completely forgot about them. And I love Olenna. Also I may or may not be writing a Darkling story...

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