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The Great Pyramid

     "You do not agree with it?" Rhaella asked, turning to Ser Barristan

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     "You do not agree with it?" Rhaella asked, turning to Ser Barristan.

     "I understand why she did it. But I do think it would have been better to show them mercy," Ser Barristan told the girl.

     Daenerys had told her Unsullied to nail some of the Great Masters of Meereen to the mileposts, one Master for each child they nailed to the posts. And since Dany had given the order Rhaella could tell Ser Barristan did not completely agree with the decision.

     "She did it so that Masters would see that their cruelty and actions have consequences. But it is a horrible sight to look at," the girl said, turning around again, facing the Masters who were being nailed to the mileposts.

     "And should not look at it any longer Princess," Ser Barristan said, offering his arm to the girl, so he could escort her back to the Great Pyramid of Meereen, where they would reside for now.

     "You go on inside, Ser Barristan. I want to look around the pyramid," Rhaella said. Ser Barristan nodded and gave the girl a small bow, walking inside of the pyramid.

     Rhaella Targaryen started walking around the base of the pyramid. The bricks around the base were as colorful as they could be, and yet the place was dark with all the shadows it had, but that did not stop the girl from keep walking. The silver haired girl truly just wanted to see one thing, the elephants, she had heard there were elephants in Meereen, and she knew that if that was true they would be in the base of the pyramid. And the girl was not wrong.

     The girl turned a corner and saw three elephants in the stables. Rhaella was amazed, they were so large and yet looked so gentle.

     "Would you like to touch them Princess?" A man, which Rhaella assumed was the stable master, asked.

     "Can I?" She asked. The man just nodded and gestured for the girl to get closer, which made her walk slowly towards the man and the elephant, she raised her hand slowly and touched the animal's trunk. The Targaryen princess was very surprised, the elephant's skin was as rough as it looked but the girl felt it very soft at the same time. "Thank you," the girl said, smiling at the man, and walking away.

     From the steps the girl could see the large Targaryen banner hanging on top of the big golden harpy that stood on top of the city, it was as big as the one in her dream, but that made her smile. It gave her pride that she and her sister were restoring the Targaryen name, and doing it with something that mattered.

     The girl continued to walk around the base of the pyramid, and she saw the most exocti of animals, animals that she had never seen, and everywhere she went former slaves would stop her to thank her, or just to speak to the girl, and Rhaella loved it. After walking around the base of the Great Pyramid she decided to start climbing the steps to see what was up higher in the Pyramid.

     The girl started walking up the servants steps, which were narrow steps hidden between the thick walls of the pyramid, which she was told was the quickest way up and down the gigantic pyramid. The girl walked and walked, and at every step she took the more amazed she got. She saw big halls with colored bricks, high ceilings, large marble arches, candles taller than herself, and colored drapes hanging in the large.

     Rhaella Targaryen finally arrived at what she assumed was the audience hall of the pyramid. It was a great beautiful room with broad marble steps leading to a gilded wood throne carved in the shape of an harpy of Old Ghis, the room had great purple pillars and the same tall candles she saw around the pyramid, and Unsullied lined themselves around the room, with their backs to the walls. The girl was beyond amazed, she had lived in Winterfell all of her life, and while Winterfell was cold and dark, the Great Pyramid was alive and colorful, and deep down she hoped they could stay here forever.

     The silver princess walked up the last steps that led to the highest floor of the pyramid, arriving at the last of the steps Rhaella sees a rather small hall that had two large ebony doors, one at the end of the hall and the other one was closer to the steps, and a smaller one at the left side of the hall. As she stopped on top of the steps the door at the end of the hall opened showing Missandei, Daario Naharis, Grey Worm, and Ser Barristan, all of them leaving the chambers.

     "You sister is waiting for you, Princess," Ser Barristan told the girl, bowing slightly and walking away.

     The girl walked towards that door, she pushed it open and as she walked in Ser Jorah walked out of the chambers, giving her a small bow first.

     Walking inside of the chambers the girl was once again amazed, the large room had greenery and polls all around it, it had a large balcony and a door that led to a very large garden.

     "Beautiful isn't it?" Dany asked, taking her sister away from her thoughts.

     "Yes," Rhaella answered, walking towards her sister, who was standing on the balcony, looking down at the city. The view of the balcony was breathtaking, the princess could see the whole city of Meereen, and even the surroundings of the city.

     "I want to stay here," Daenerys said, surprising her sister.

     "You do?" The youngest Targaryen asked.

     "Yes. Daario Naharis took the Meereenese navy, but we will barely have enough boats. But Yunkai and Astapor were taken again, and the people we freed were enslaved once again," Rhaella could hear the pain in her sister's voice. "So I want to stay and rule. Before I can rule the Seven Kingdoms I need to bring peace and justice to Slaver's Bay, and learn how to rule one city," Dany said, turning around to face her sister. "But only if you agree," she finished.

     It meant a lot for the girl that her sister was willing to leave Meereen if she wanted to, but she also did not want to leave the people of Slaver's Bay while they were still in chains. "I think we need to find you a better throne, My Queen," Rhaella said smiling, and bowing for her sister, who laughed at her.

     "Your chambers are right by mine, they are connected by the garden, and the other chamber on this floor will be Ser Barristan's, as he is the commander of the Queen's Guard," Dany told her sister.

     Rhaella nodded and went back to watching the city with her sister, it amazed her how big the Great Pyramid was, of this pyramid in Meereen was this big she could not imagine how big the pyramids and keeps in Old Valyria were, she could only dream of seeing them one day.

Author's note:

So for this chapter I wanted to show Meereen from Rhaella vision, from a film that grew up in Winterfell and had been living in tents to now seeing an amazing sight which is the Great Pyramid of Meereen. I really hope you guys like it.

And I will give credit where credit is due, we don't see that much in the show so all of the details and descriptions of the pyramid were based on what I read in A Wiki of Ice and Fire, https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Great_Pyramid

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