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The red door

     "They held each other close and turned their backs upon the end

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     "They held each other close and turned their backs upon the end. The hills that split asunder and the black that ate the skies. The flames that shot so high and hot that even dragons burned. Would never be the final sights that fell upon their eyes. A fly upon a wall. The waves the sea wind whipped and churned. A city of a thousand years. And all that men had learned. The Doom consumed it all alike, and neither of them turned," Rhaella repeated the story she had heard many times. "Why didn't they hide in here?" She asked Gaemon but mostly herself.

     "They were too proud," Gaemon said, not taking his eyes off the book he was reading,"they would rather die than risk letting the world find out about their secrets. But I always knew!" The boy exclaimed and jumped to his feet. "How could the greatest civilization of all times simply let all of their secrets in one place. I always thought they had a vault somewhere, filled with their knowledge. But this is much better than I expected!" The boy said and sat down again, going back to his book.

     The two friends had been down there for hours, lost in the books they had found in the library. The purple eyed girl had gone to other chambers, curious to see what secrets lie in between those walls. So far the girl had seen a small armory, more libraries, and a room full of herbs, potions and strange vials, the girl barely looked inside of the last room, afraid something inside of it would kill her. But one thing scared Rhaella more than the room with potions, the girl had walked up and down the the hallway she had found out that there was no way out of there besides the broken stairwell that led them there, and that has led the girl back to the library, hoping she could find something that could help them get out of there.

     Gaemon on the other hand was busy reading any book he could get his hands on, not really thinking about how they would get out of the dark deep hallway. Rhaella sighed loudly, finally getting her friend's attention.

     "I will try to find a way out," the princess said, getting up.

     "You looked already, there is no way out," Gaemon said, getting back to his book. Rhaella realized her friend was too deep into his world of books, and he would not be of any help right now.

     The girl followed the flame on the wall towards the end of the hallway, or what she thought was the end, maybe this was where it started, she did not know really, but it did not matter. The girl stopped at the big wall at the end of the hallway, staring at it for a moment. The stone wall was adorned with carved dragons and gargoyles, and carving that represented the city, the girl gently touched the gargoyles and dragons, stopping her hand on the big dragon with rubies for eyes, that was carved on the far left side of the wall. But before Rhaella could touch the rubies she heard a wind noise coming from the chamber that was filled with potions. She slowly walked away from the carved wall and walked towards the door, and for the first time since she had been in the hallway the girl walked inside of the potion room.

     When the silver haired girl fully entered the room her nose was met with a very strange smell, a very earthy smell, as if the room was full of dirt, but the girl decided not to focus on the smell, she needed to find where the wind was coming from. The room was so dark the girl had to go back to the hallway and grab her torch, now that Rhaella could see properly inside of the room she wondered if the wind she heard was her mind playing tricks. The room was filled with shelves upon shelves of potions and herbs, and even some books, but no apparent way out. Rhaella sighed and turned away, but before she could walk out she heard the noise again, making the princess turn around again, as fast as she could, and this time Rhaella looked at the middle book shelf.

     It sounded like the wind was coming from the bookshelf, so the girl walked closer. She picked up a strange looking book that sat in the middle of the bookshelf, and as soon as she did she felt a breeze coming from where the book once was, looking at the back of the bookshelf long enough Rhaella saw a small hole, where the wind was coming from. The purple eyed girl took a step back and looked at the bookshelf once again, she placed the book where it once was and walked to the side of the shelf. The girl pushed the bookshelf, she pushed and pushed until she was able to see a small passage behind the bookshelf, so she pushed more until she could fit through the passage.

     Standing back up Rhaella stared at another dark hallway, but this one felt different from the other one, Rhaella felt cold in this place, but that didn't stop her from walking forward, she needed to find a way out of this place.

    "The dragon is awake," Rhaella heard a voice whisper behind her. The girl quickly turned around but there was no one behind her, which made her walk faster. The voice seemed to be coming from all around Rhaella.

     "You cannot run from your destiny," the voice whispered again.

     "The white wolf and the golden lion will bow," and again. Every time the voice whispered the girl walked faster.

     "The dragons know," again.

     "The fire that burns inside of you burns brighter than any other," and again.

     The truth was Rhaella had never been this scared, the youngest Targaryen was known as fierce, she had never feared a lot in her life. But being in a dark cold underground hallway in the ruins of Old Valyria, had awakened that feeling inside of her.

     The princess had finally reached the end of the hall, where she found a simple wooden door, she pushed the door open and was surprised by what she saw. On the other side of the door was a small village covered in snow, a village the girl was sure she had never seen before. Walking deeper in the village a house with a red door and a tree caught Rhaella's attention, making her change the path she was following.

     This place was strange, the village was covered in snow, but the sun shone bright, and the girl was warm. At this point Rhaella had dropped her torch and had long forgotten why she walked into the hallway in the first place, all she could think of was the voice and the red door that stood in front of her.

     Pushing the door open Rhaella was surprised once again, behind the door was an empty hall, there was only one thing inside of the hall, the Iron Throne. But what lied beyond the Iron Throne was what really caught the girl's eyes.

     There was no wall behind the Throne, so Rhaella could see the horizon, the ocean, a city far away, and dragons. So many of them singing and flying over the ocean and the city, it was an amazing sight to see, but the girl was interrupted once again by a voice.

     "Rhaella," it called her.

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