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You are my brother

Rhaella stood in a field of grass, everywhere she turned all she could see was grass, it was almost as if she was standing in a sea of grass

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Rhaella stood in a field of grass, everywhere she turned all she could see was grass, it was almost as if she was standing in a sea of grass. After looking for what felt like hours she saw a tent on the horizon and she started to walk towards the tent. She walked and walked until she reached the tent, when she got close to the tent she heard screams, a woman screaming in agony. The girl stands outside the tent for some time, wondering, then she decides to go inside.

Inside the tent Rhaella sees an old woman kneeling on the floor, in between a woman's legs, when the girl takes a better look she sees the woman was her sister, Daenerys. Dany was the one screaming, she could hear the old woman telling Dany to push, and with every push Dany gave another scream. Tears started rolling down Rhaella's face, she wanted to help her sister but she couldn't move, and to every scream Dany gave another tear rolled down in Rhaella's face. After a couple of minutes Dany's agonizing screams stopped and Rhaella could move again, she moved closer to her sister and the old woman, and she saw that her sister had passed out. The girl ran to hold her sister's hand, but before she could reach her sister she stopped, she stopped because when she looked over the witch she saw that she was holding something black, the youngest Targaryen moved closer.

In the old woman's arms she saw a black thing, the girl thought it was a mixture of a child and a lizard, it had scales, a small tail, and even leathered wings. Taking a better look at the child she could tell it was not alive, it saddened the girl, such an innocent creature had suffered such a terrible fate, and even though it looked lizard like it also looked peaceful, and innocent. Before she could think of anything else she looked at her sister and then the child, and she finally understood, she knew who that was.

"Rhaego" the girl thought.


     After waking up Rhaella looked distraught, the girl didn't want to believe her dream was real, but she knew it was, she couldn't comprehend that something like that happened, and she couldn't imagine how her sister was feeling. And to make her feel worse today was the day that Robb went to war, she was sure they would win, but it still scared her, and she felt worse knowing that 2,000 men were being sent to their deaths, just the thought of it made her feel uneasy.

     At this moment she sat on a horse with Lady Catelyn Stark by her side, they both waited anxiously for Robb to return. She believed they were successful, she knew they were, and even though she knew Lady Stark felt the same she could tell the woman was also expecting the worst. The two just sat there on their horses until they saw horses coming their way, and they saw a very dirty Robb Stark riding in their direction, smiling, that caused Lady Stark to burst in tears and Rhaella to jump from her horse and run towards Robb and his horse.

     She let Catelyn Stark hug her son first, but as soon as they pulled apart Rhaella jumped into Robb, pulling him into a tight hug, and she started crying too.

     "You smell" the girl told her friend and both of them laughed.

     "I know" and they laughed again.

     When they pulled away Robb looked at his mother and at his friend, "I have to show you something."

     He walked the two to an area where the northerner army was gathering after the battle, near their camp. When they finally stopped the soldiers threw a tied up man by their feet, "by the time they knew what was happening it had already happened" Robb explained. When Rhaella looked at the man he recognized who that man was, Jaime Lannister.

     "Lady Stark, I would offer you my sword, but I seem to have lost it" Jaime said sarcastically, while the soldiers made him kneel down.

     "It is not your sword I want," the Lady said, "give me my daughters back. Give me my husband" she demanded.

     "I have lost them too, I'm afraid," the man said.

     "Kill him Robb. Send his head to his father. He cut down 10 of our man, you saw him doing it," Theon said to Robb.

     "We can't kill him," and that made all eyes focus on Rhaella now, and that was the first time Jaime had taken any notice on the girl. "If we kill him we would be killing Lord Stark, Sansa and Arya," then she looked Jaime straight in the eye, "we can kill him after."

     "He is more use to us alive than dead," Robb said, agreeing with his friend.

     "Take him away and put him in irons," Lady Stark commanded.

     As the guards pulled Jaime up he looked at Robb and proposed, "we could end this war right now, boy, save thousands of lives. You fight for the Starks, I fight for the Lannisters. Swords or lances, teeth, nails, choose your weapons and let's end this here and now."

     That made Rhaella scoff, bringing the attention back to her, "do you really think he is that stupid, Kingslayer?" She said the last part with a disdain. "We play your game, you win," the girl finished.

     "Come on, pretty man," said Greatjon pulling Jaime towards their makeshift cells.

     "I sent 2,000 man to their graves today," Robb said with sorrow.

"The bards will sing songs of their sacrifice," Theon said, trying to make Robb feel better.

     "Aye. But the dead won't hear them" Robb said and walked towards the middle of the field. "One victory does not make us conquerors. Did we free my father? Did we rescue my sisters from the Queen? Did we free the North from those who want us on our knees? This war is far from over" Robb said loud enough so all the soldiers would hear.

     Later that night Robb and Rhaella walked in the camp, Rhaella asked him to come because she wanted to tell him a decision she had made.

     "What happened?" Robb turned to her, "you asked me to walk with you but you haven't said anything."

     "I'm sorry, I think this is the worst time to say it, but I have decided to go after my sister" and that made Robb stop on his tracks and turn to her. "I'm sorry Robb, I'm so sorry, but my sister lost her son, and I think she is more alone than ever. I didn't want to leave you, especially not now, but something is telling me I have to go, I don't know why I have this feeling, but I have to go."

     "I understand, she is your sister, and you should never ignore a feeling like that," Robb said with a blank expression.

     At this point Rhaella had tears in her eyes, "and you are my brother, I know we are not blood related, but you are my brother, and you are the only family I have ever known, and my heart hurts with the thought of leaving you, but I have to go," she almost screamed at him.

     Robb hugged her and whispered 'I know'. "You leave in three days" Robb told her, never breaking their hug.

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