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Rhaella was in a great hall, a big feast was happening

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Rhaella was in a great hall, a big feast was happening.

The girl looked through the crowd and saw familiar faces, Lady Stark, Roose Bolton, and Robb. Oh Robb, he had a woman by his side, who Rhaella assumed was his new wife. It took Rhaella a moment to realize it but she was with child, Robb would be a father, the thought brought tears to her eyes. Robb, his wife and Lady Stark got up to look at something Rhaella could not see. The girl decided to walk towards Robb, she had to talk to him, but when she was almost at his table she noticed something, a Frey guard had closed the doors to the hall, Lady Stark noticed it too. That is when Rains of Castamere started playing.

Rhaella slowly turned around, looking at all of the people in the hall, she could hear Grey Wind's howling and whining outside. Something was wrong, the girl thought, she had to warn Robb. She tried to run towards him but something held her in her place, it was as if invisible binds were holding her in place.

Robb was laughing until Walder Frey started talking, the girl couldn't hear what he said, but her and Robb's attention turned to Lady Stark. The Lady had just slapped Roose and screamed her son's name, that is when it happened.

A Frey guard grabbed Robb's wife from behind her and stabbed her. Time was going by slowly for Rhaella, he stabbed her so many times in her stomach. "The baby," Rhaella screamed, in hopes someone would hear her, still trying to get rid of the invisible binds.

Rhaella saw Robb turn around to look at his wife and then an arrow was plunged into Robb's shoulder, making Rhaella scream more. Around them all of Robb's men were being slaughtered, but all Rhaella could see was her friend getting shot by crossbows multiple times. When Robb's body hit the ground the silver haired girl saw Lady Stark, she also got hit by arrows, she seemed to be screaming, but Rhaella couldn't hear anything, she just heard muffled sounds around her, the muffled sound of people being slaughtered.

She heard what it sounded like screams from outside, his men were being slaughtered outside, she knew it. Rhaella got on her knees, screaming and crying for her fallen friend, and that is when she saw Robb moving. At first he crawled towards his wife, and then he got up and went to his wife's corpse, him getting up gave the girl hope, maybe he would survive. Lady Stark took a woman hostage and started screaming at the Lord, but Rhaella's eyes did not move from Robb, who got shot once again and yet rose again.

The girl was exhausted, her throat was raw from her screaming, she felt weak, powerless like she never had before, she could barely see because of the tears in her eyes, but she did see what happened next. The coward Roose Bolton, who had been hiding from the fight, walked towards the King in the North and grabbed him, throughout the night Rhaella had not been able to hear anything clearly, but she did hear what Roose Bolton said, loud and clear. "The Lannisters send their regards," and then the man drove his knife through Robb's chest, giving the final blow that finally killed the King in the North. Rhaella screamed and screamed again, blurring her sight with the tears, and what hurt the most was the look on Robb's eyes when he was stabbed, as if he was already dead. Right before her vision got completely blurred the silver haired girl saw Lady Cately die, she saw her throat get slit from ear to ear, so deep she thought Lady Stark's head would fall from her neck. And that is when all went numb for the girl, she laid on the floor crying, she could taste her own blood on her throat from screaming, she stayed on the ground until she she noticed the scenery around her was changing, she felt grass under her instead of the cold hard floor from the hall, so she looked up. She saw the horrifying sight of Robb's body tied on top of a horse, but the worst part is he had a wolf's head instead of his, Grey Wind, the girl thought, she started crying again but when she looked closer she realized, that wasn't Grey Wind, she knew the direwolf and she was sure that wasn't him, she hoped he was alright. How dare they? She thought angrily, how dare they do this to Robb? But they would pay, all of them would pay.

Rhaella laid down again and started crying, but everytime she closed her eyes she saw Walder Frey's face and his sick smile, and Roose Bolton and his smirk. She would kill them, she would burn all of them alive and burn their Keep to the ground. All of them, Frey, Bolton and Lannister.


     Daenerys looked at Daario Naharis smiling. The man was on one knee, showing her the banner of Yunkai, the city was hers. The Queen thought of going to wake her sister up, to show her the banner, but her thoughts were interrupted by a very loud scream of agony, her sister's scream. Not my sister, Dany thought, she couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her sister.

     Daenerys and all of her companions ran, they soon arrived at the Princess tent and when they opened the tent's entrance they were met with a surprising yet relieving sight, it looked like the girl was dreaming. Rhaella was in her bed, and no one was there with her, but she was in tears. Daenerys had never seen her sister like this, the girl was sitting on her bed weeping uncontrollably.

     Daenerys did not know what to do, her sister would not stop weeping, so she did the best she could. She sat down in front of Rhaella and hugged her. Rhaella instantly hugged her sister back and laid her head on Dany's shoulder, and she wept, until Dany's tunic was soaking wet.

     The Khaleesi looked at Ser Barristan, who was still at the entrance of the tent, and the old man knew what she meant.

     "Come," the knight said and gestured to the other people who had rushed to the tent. He knew the princess was in good hands.

     As the people left the dragons flew into the tent, they could feel something had happened to Rhaella, especially Rhaegon, Rhaenya and Aegon. Rhaegon flew on top of Rhaella's pillow, Aegon flew on the bed by the sisters and Rhaenya flew on the floor by Dany's feet, all of them trying to comfort the Princess. And Danys dragons, Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion sat on the couch and chest that were placed in front of Rhaella's bed, also trying to comfort the girl in any way.

     It hurt Dany's heart that she did not know what was causing her sister so much pain, she tried to ask, but all Rhaella would say was, 'he is dead', and 'I will kill all of them,' it made Dany wonder. The Queen held her sister for the rest of the night, while she wept and repeated the same two words.

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