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Ruins of the greatest city in the known world

     Rhaegon flew for what felt like hours, but Rhaella paid no mind to the time, she felt at home and she did not want to go back to the ground

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Rhaegon flew for what felt like hours, but Rhaella paid no mind to the time, she felt at home and she did not want to go back to the ground. From far away Rhaella saw the sky and the clouds turn red in front of her, and Rhaegon was flying towards the red skies. Once they flew into the red clouds Rhaella saw tall topless towers and gigant buildings, all destroyed, but still beautiful.

In all of the books the princess had ever read there was only one place that was described like this, but before she could give it anymore thought she felt her red start to descend, Rhaegon landed by a large chain of mountains.

The girl got off her dragon's back and stared at the ruins in awe, she had always wondered what Old Valyria looked like. She had heard that it was a cursed place, destroyed, and haunted, but she thought it was beautiful. Even after the doom that destroyed the city the buildings and towers were still much taller than anything she had ever seen, she could still see some of the sphinxes and dragon statues that adorned the towers. And the sky, oh the sky, she had heard about how terrifying it was, that the skies were always red, but she thought it was beautiful.

The mountains where they had landed were outside of the city ruins, so the girl had decided to walk into the ruins. When Rhaella started walking she heard Rhaegon roar behind her, as if telling her not to go, but she just ignored the dragon and continued walking. The silver haired girl had always heard that this land was cursed that all of the people who came here would disappear, and never to go back to their families, they said that what was left of the blood magic the Valyrians would practice killed any living thing that walked through this land, and when the magic did not kill them one of the few stone men, that left the Sorrows and found their way to the ruins, would kill them.

But strangely enough Rhaella Targaryen was not afraid, she almost felt at home in between the destroyed towers of the old city. Everything seemed dead in the city, barely anything grew on the ground, and everything was grey and covered in dust, even the river that cut through the city seemed dead and grey. Yet, hidden in the destruction and dust Rhaella found many things, small treasure, small things that reminded her of the great city this once was. The girl was careful not to touch strange objects, she did not want to touch anything that had the old blood magic the Valyrians used to practice.

Standing in the middle of the city Rhaella could see the mountains Rheagon landed on, and from the distance the girl could see that those were not regular mountains, those were the Fourteen Flames of Valyria, the ones that brought the doom to the city, and they were beautiful. As the girl walked around the city she heard a distant roar, making her look at the red sky, and when she did she saw a winged shadow flying above her, Drogon.

When the sun started setting, the Targaryen princess decided to walk back to where she had left Rhaegon, and she hoped he was still there. After exploring the ruins the whole day Rhaella's dress was ripped, exposing her leather boots and her knees, her skin was dirty and sweaty, but she had never felt more alive. On her walk back the girl could not help but notice how even when the sun was setting, and darkness started setting all around her, the sky was still red, blood and fire red. My family's words, the girl though, maybe that is where she is supposed to be.

When she arrived at the palace where her red had landed she noticed he was not there anymore, but she did hear a roar coming from the side of the mountain. Walking towards the direction of the roar Rhaella saw an entrance on the mountain, the Mines, she thought. Once reading about the Old Valyria the girl came upon a section about the Mines of Valyria, they were the place where the Valyrians encountered their dragons, and from there started to tame them. The girl walked inside the cave and saw Rhaegon laying on the floor with a charred goat by his side.

    "It was nice of you to fetch us dinner," she told the dragon and sat by him, laying on the dragon's side. The girl could not see anything inside of the cave as the sun was out already, she could only see the burned twigs that she assumed Rhaegon set on fire when he burned the goat's body.

The girl never imagined she would be in this position, inside of a cave under a volcano, eating a charred goat that her dragon had hunted for them, but as all of the other strange things that had happened that day the girl did not mind it at all. With a full stomach the girl laid by the dragon and fell fast asleep, her sleep was once again plagued by nightmares and visions of her loved ones suffering, but differently from any other night she could not wake up this time, she lived through all of the nightmares that night, the only thing that brought her some sort of comfort was the never ending heat she felt on her back.

The youngest Targaryen woke up the next day her body ached from sleeping on the ground but what really worried the girl was that Rhaegon was nowhere to be found, she thought of going deeper inside of the cave, but if one day these caves had been the lairs of the Valyrian dragons she wondered what else could possibly live there. Stepping outside of the cave the girl couldn't help but wonder what she would do now, as much as she was fascinated with the ruins of the Old Valyria she knew she could not stay there her whole life, depending on her dragon for food and barely having any water to drink. But the doom had fragmented the Valyrian peninsula, and the bridges were all destroyed, so she knew she could not leave the city on foot and her dragon was nowhere to be found.

The girl started walking towards the city again when she heard something from behind her.

     "Do you need help?" Turning abruptly Rhaella saw a dark skinned boy, no older than herself, standing in front of her.

Author's note:

I'm so excited! This part is over and I really hope you guys like it!

So for this chapter I read a lot about Valyria, and I found out that in the books the infected with Grey Scale are sent to the Sorrows not Old Valyria, that where I thought they were when I watched the show, that's why Rhaella won't find many stone men while she is there.

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