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You are a survivor

     Rhaella Targaryen walked in the market of Meereen, she talked to the people who approached and thanked her

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     Rhaella Targaryen walked in the market of Meereen, she talked to the people who approached and thanked her. After the Masters were dealt with Meereen was blooming, and so was Rhaella, down at the market it was like the princess was the sun, beaming with light. The silver girl wore a yellow dress that showed her back, and short sleeves that hung around her shoulders and the dress neckline was lower, the girl's neck was adorned with a three headed dragon silver necklace, and she wore beautiful silver rings, bracelets and earring to match her necklace, and tied tightly around the neck was Jon's thin leather necklace. Her hair was wild as ever but she had small braids all over her hair, with flowers and small bells that were braided into them by the Meereenese and Dothraki children.

     The princess walked with Missandei, and Grey Worm guarded both of them, the two girls finally enjoying some peace, Rhaella felt bad that her sister had to stay in the pyramid instead of walking in the market with them, she knew the queen would have enjoyed the warm day outside. The three walked closer to the harbor, where they could see it was more crowded than usual with people running all over the place, Rhaella, Missandei and Grey Worm looked at each other confused.

     "What is going on?" The captain asked one of his fellow Unsullied.

     The Unsullied bowed for the princess before turning to his captain, "our Queen has foreign visitors," he pointed at the ships.

     The princess turned her head slowly towards the ships, and when she did she saw a big black sail on the ship with a golden kraken painted into it. When she saw that golden kraken her mouth hung low and she dropped the basket of fruit she had in her hands, and before she could be asked if anything was alright the princess turned around and started running towards the Great Pyramid.


     Theon Greyjoy had a small smile as he watched his sister and the Dragon Queen hold their arms in agreement, but the silent room was suddenly filled with the sound of rushed steps and the Unsullied saluting someone. The Greyjoy man kept to himself, he chose not to turn around when he heard the steps, but that was until he heard a very familiar voice.

     "Theon!" The voice called, making him turn around slowly, and when he finally did he saw a familiar silver haired girl in the entrance of the Audience Hall. He thought Rhaella Targaryen looked as beautiful as ever, though she looked older, but none of that mattered to the man, all he cared about was that his friend was alive. Before the dark haired boy could respond his old friend skipped through the steps and pulled him into a tight and warm hug, and the man wasted no time wrapping his arms around the girl.

     Rhaella closed her eyes when she felt Theon's strong arms around her, the girl took deep breaths, slowly inhaling the man's intoxicating scent, even after all these years he still smelled of salt and musk, and she had no idea how much she had missed it until now. She had missed his smell, his dark messy hair, his strong arms and calloused hands, but most of all she missed his presence. Theon finally felt at home, Rhaella's skin and hair felt so soft under his hands, and her citrusy smell, which he seemed to never get enough off. But he couldn't help but feel guilty when he saw the girl, the last time he had seen the girl Robb was with them.

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