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The dragons are here

The dragons are here

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      A thousand ships composed the Targaryen fleet, 100 Greyjoy, some Martell and some Tyrell, but most had the three headed dragon painted on the sails, red on black. Rhaella Targaryen stood proud on the front deck of the leading ship, after all of these years pretending to be a wildling and fleeing again and again, and now she and her sister, the last Targaryens, had six dragons, a fleet of 1000 ships, almost 100,000 Dothraki, and 8,000 Unsullied, sailing to their birth place, ready to take what was theirs.

     Dany was happy to see her sister smile, the Queen had been worrying about her. She knew Rhaella did not like the Seven Kingdoms but she also knew that getting revenge on the people that hurt their family and her friends meant a lot for the princess.

     The princess smiled when she heard the dragons roar, looking at all six of them, flying around the ships, she felt good. Aegon the Conqueror had taken and united the Seven Kingdoms with 3,000 men and three dragons, but Daenerys Stormborn and Rhaella Targaryen were a fiery storm that would soon land on the Seven Kingdoms to take back what was once theirs.


King's Landing

     Queen Cersei Lannister sat proud on the Iron Throne, from where she could look down at all the people in her city. She was very pleased, her Queen's Guard stood by her, her brother Jaime was right by her side, and the Mountain behind her as always, but her court was empty, everyone feared her, but she had never liked those people anyway and it brought a smile to her face that they finally realized who she was, she was a lion and this was her place.

     Cersei's morning had been delightful, she sat on her throne with a smug smirk on her face, she watched as servants cleaned the throne room, and put more lion banners up. That was until Qyburn rushed into the room with a worried expression on his face.

     "What is it?" Ser Jaime Lannister was quick to question, seeing the old man's expression.

     "We received ravens this morning, multiple ravens were sent to all of the corners of the Seven Kingdoms," he explained, almost out of breath.

     "And what was the content of those letters?" The queen asked, calmly as always, but the men did not miss the venom in her voice.

     "Ships, a thousand, maybe more-," Qyburn was interrupted by the queen.

     "Where," Cersei almost growled at the man.

     "Docked on Dragonstone this morning. Black sails with red three headed dragons painted on them," the man took a deep breath before continuing. "And dragons-," he was interrupted once again.

     "Dragons, of course," The golden haired woman, mocked his tone almost.

     "Six of them. They were described as larger than keeps, maybe larger than their island," the Maester watched as the faces around the room fell, armies and ships they could deal with, but six very large dragons, that they did not know how to deal with.

     "And where did these ravens come from?" Cersei analyzed the piece of parchment, scoffing when she saw they had already bent the knee.

     "The small islands around Dragonstone," Qyburn told his queen.

     "Cowards," she scoffed once again.

     "They have barely enough people to fill this hall in those islands. Do you really expect them to fight a thousand ships and six dragons," Jaime glared at his sister.

     Jaime Lannister contained his expressions very well, but he was worried, Aegon the Conqueror had taken the Seven Kingdoms with three dragons, now six of them. The golden haired man could only hope the famous Targaryen twins were nothing like their father.



     The newly chosen King in the North smiled as he watched his people laugh, drink and eat in the Great Hall. Jon Snow knew the Great War was upon them, but he also knew these people deserved one night where they did not have to worry about battles and blood, so upon Sansa's suggestion, they hosted a feast, celebrating their new King and the fact that they had finally taken Winterfell and the North back.

     Sansa Stark smiled for the first time in a long time, it felt right to be in these halls again, they were full of life as they once were, not like when Ramsay ruled, where the people were scared of their own shadows. Home finally felt like home again, with her brother by her side. She looked at Jon once again, the auburn hair girl was happy for her brother, he deserved this, he deserved to be king, and she was happy to be there for him, to help him as he needed and rule by his side if needed.

     Sansa and Jon's smile fell when they saw Lord Petyr Baelish approach their table, as if sensing something was wrong the whole hall went quiet, most curious to know what Littlefinger wished to tell the Starks at this hour of the feast.

     "I am very sorry to interrupt this lovely feast, but I just got news from the South," Lord Baelish spoke.

     "And what do we care about the South? It's the North we have to worry about," a drunken lord got up from his seat and almost spat at the skinny man.

     "Hundreds of ravens were sent earlier today, to all of the corners of the Seven Kingdoms, and all of them said the same thing," Petyr said, as mysterious as always.

     "And what did the letters say?" Sansa asked, curious. She worried it had something to do with Cersei, she knew the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms would not give up on the North easily.

     Lord Petyr Baelish raised his hand elegantly, with a piece of parchment in between his fingers and he started reading from the letter, "ships docked on Dragonstone earlier today. A fleet of 1000 ships, maybe more, we aren't sure, we were distracted by the sails on the ships. Gigantic three headed dragons painted on them, red on black. But none of that matters, what made our people and our small army almost stop breathing were the beasts. Six dragons, larger than anything we have ever seen, larger than the biggest keep we have in the biggest island that surrounds Dragonstone, maybe even larger than our island. And when they sang, we all fell to our knees as all of you should, bend the knee for them. The dragons are here."

     Jon and Sansa looked at each other, the girl had a worried look on her face, she worried what it meant for the North, for her people and their freedom, while Jon looked almost excited, dragons and Targaryen banners only meant one thing, Rhaella.

Author's note

This part is over!! I really wanted to write about what would be the reactions of the people of Westeros when they found out Dany finally reached Dragonstone. I'm so excited for the next parts! I think it will be awesome! I hope you guys like it!

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