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The gift

     Rhaella Targaryen jumped awake, Bran was all she could think off, she had to warn someone

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     Rhaella Targaryen jumped awake, Bran was all she could think off, she had to warn someone. After getting dressed quickly she ran out of her room trying to find someone, but the castle was a chaos, people cleaning up from the feast last night, other people cleaning up from breakfast, but no Starks came into her view, she realized she probably slept in. The girl kept running until she saw Sansa and her friend, Jeyne Poole who also despite her, "Sansa" the blonde said in a rush, "have you seen Bran, or your parents?" She asked.

     Sansa gave her a superior look and said "no."

     "What about Robb? Do you know where he is?" She asked again, and at the mention of Robb's name Jeyne looked at her with a disgusted face.

     "No" the redhead said again, "and you should really brush your hair before you leave your room" she completed, and her and Jeyne laughed at the Targaryen girl. Rhaella just rolled her eyes and concluded Sansa and her friend would just waste her time, so she ran outside.

     When she got outside she saw that the men were preparing to go hunting, she hoped she got there before Robb left. She searched and searched until she saw Robb on top of a black horse talking to Uncle Benjen, both preparing to leave. "Robb," she said out loud and rushed to his side.

     "What is it?" The boy looked worried because of the tone of voice she used. "Are you alright?" the boy asked.

     "Yes, it's Bran, have you seen him?" She asked in a rush, again.

     "What happened to Bran?" Robb asked worriedly.

     "Nothing" the girl said, and Robb gave her a confused look, "at least not yet. I had a dream, Robb, a real dream, I think something bad is going to happen to him" she said, looking into Robb's eyes.

     Robb looked at the girl tenderly, "Rhae, you don't know that, it was probably just a dream, Bran is fine" he assured her.

     "No Robb, I know the difference, please" she pleaded with him.

     Before Robb could say anything a spiteful voice interrupted him, "it's time to go Stark, I don't want to be late because of you" Rhaella turned around to see to whom that voice belonged, and when she did she saw prince Joffrey's staring at her. "And who is this beautiful girl?" He asked looking at her with a sicking smile, she supposed he intended to make her blush with the question and the smile.

     She gave him a hard look, "My name is Rhae my lord, I work for the Starks."

     "It's prince" he corrected her with a harsh tone. "Maybe I should ask father to take you to King's Landing with me, a beauty like you shouldn't stay in this place" the prince said to her.

     "Thank you my lord, but I serve the Starks of Winterfell, in Winterfell" she said harshly and left to look for Bran.

     The girl ran around Winterfell for what felt like hours, she couldn't find Bran or Lady Stark, she was about to go inside the castle again when she heard someone call her.

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