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Small council and farewells

Small council and farewells

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King's Landing

     "What else?" Lord Tywin Lannister asked the small council.

     "More whispers from the east, my lord," Lord Varys said.

     "The Targaryen girls?" The Hand of the King asked, sounding surprised.

     "Daenerys and Rhaella have taken up residence in Meereen. They had conquered the city, and Daenerys rules as its queen," Lord Varys informed the council, making Prince Oberyn Martell look at him with an amused expression.

     "Conquered with what?" Queen Regent Cersei asked, trying to hide her surprise.

     "They command an army of Unsullied, my queen. Some 8,000 strong. They have a company of sellswords, the Second Sons. Daenerys has two knights advising her, Jorah Mormont and Barristan Selmy. And they have six dragons.

     "Baby dragons," Cersei said, sounding skeptical.

     "Larger every year, Your Grace," Lord Varys told her.

     "Mormont is spying on them for us," Grand Maester Pycelle said.

     "No longer. He appears to be fully devoted to them. As for Ser Barristan, it would seem he took his dismissal from the Kingsguard a bit harder than anticipated. He was the one who helped Rhaella Targaryen cross the Narrow Sea and join her sister," The Spider informed the Small Council.

     "He's an old man. He wasn't fit to protect my son," Cersei told her father.

     "Joffrey didn't die on his watch. Dismissing him was as insulting as it was stupid," he said harshly to his daughter.

     "Don't tell me you're worried about children halfway across the world," Cersei told her father.

     "Children with two seasoned warriors counselling them and a powerful army at their back, Your Grace," Varys told Cersei. It worried him to see how quick the Queen was to dismiss the Targaryen threat.

     "Lord Varys is right. I have been to Essos and seen the Unsullied firsthand. They are very impressive on the battlefield. Less so in the bedroom," Prince Oberyn said.

     "Dragons haven't won a war in 300 years. Armies win them all the time. She must be dealt with," lord Tywin Lannister said.

     "How, my lord? By force?" The Grand Maester asked.

     "Eventually, if it comes to that. Can your little birds find their way into Meereen?" Lord Tywin asked Lord Varys.

     "Most certainly, my Lord Hand," Varys nodded.

     "Lord Tyrell, be a good man. Fetch my quill and paper," Lord Tywin asked, and when he got his quill and paper he started to write away, a plan already formed in his mind.

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