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     After the feast where the new King in the North was crowned Rhaella decided to do one last thing before going to sleep and leaving on the next day

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     After the feast where the new King in the North was crowned Rhaella decided to do one last thing before going to sleep and leaving on the next day. The girl walked until the tree where they had tied Jaime Lannister.

     Ser Jaime Lannister heard footsteps coming in his direction, and lifted his head up, and he was surprised to see the Targaryen girl walking in this direction.

     "To what do I owe the pleasure, Princess," the man said, and strangely enough he didn't say princess in a sarcastic way. Before the girl could say anything Jaime laughed said again, "I knew it, I knew it, you look just like her, but how?"

     The girl sat on the floor by Ser Jaime's side, "you do know my mother said she was having twins?" and Ser Jaime nodded, "she gave birth to Dany and died, but one of the servants said she was having twins and they had to save the other baby, so they cut her, and surprisingly, took me out, alive. They couldn't take me south, that was where Dany and Viserys were going, so they did the unthinkable, one of the servants took me north. She was taking me as far north as she could, and when we were going past Winterfell Lord Stark found us, he helped us, helped hide me, and when she died he raised me with his own kids" the girl explained

     "The always noble Ned Stark," and Jaime laughed again. "What are you doing here girl?"

     "I wanted to ask you a question," Rhaella told Ser Jaime.

     "Go on," the man said.

     "I have hated you most of my life, you killed my father, and people would always talk about how you had no honor, you stabbed your own king in the back. But the common people always seem ungrateful, stupid, and that is why the kings and queens must protect them. I know what my father was, and I think you saved them in a sense, but I have always wondered, did you do it for your father and your house, or did you do it for the people?" the girl asked Ser Jaime.

     The man wasn't looking at the girl, she was shocked, no one had ever asked him that, and to have the daughter of the king he killed ask him the question shocked him even more. "For both," it was all he said, but Rhaella still understood what he meant.

     Rhaella got up and started to head back to her tent, but not before saying, "goodnight Ser Jaime," and the girl walked into the night.


     Rhaella watched as the man finished preparing her horse, the girl was excited but also sad, it pained her that she had to leave Robb and Theon, but she would finally meet her sister. Robb was on her right and Theon was on her left and she held their hands, some Lords were with them, and even Lady Stark had come to say farewell to her, all of them just stood in silence until the man nodded, letting them know that the horses were ready, and Robb turned to her.

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