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Guests of Dragonstone

     Rhaella laughed as Rhaenya roared loudly and scared the visitors who walked up the steps to the castle of Dragonstone

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     Rhaella laughed as Rhaenya roared loudly and scared the visitors who walked up the steps to the castle of Dragonstone. While riding her purple dragon the girl saw the sails on the ship that brought the visitor here, she could clearly see the grey direwolf on the black sail, and she knew she was already late for their meeting with Jon Snow.

     Rhaenya and Drogon landed on a large green area near the Stone Drum, she slowly descended from the dragon, who slowly lowered her wing so the girl could step down. When she stepped down she caressed the black and the pruple's snout before smiling and walking towards the castle. The youngest Targaryen ran towards the castle, she knew she was late, but that had been her intention since they heard about Jon's ship approaching, the princess wanted to surprise the bastard, even though he knew she was on the island.


     Jon Snow stood in front of the Dragon Queen and he could tell the Queen was not pleased with him, but their conversation was interrupted by the doors opening, making him and Davos turn around. Turning around the King in the North felt as if someone had just knocked the air out of his lungs, right at the large dark doors stood Rhaella, she was different than he remembered but it was still her.

     "You stand in the presence of  Rhaella of House Targaryen, the third of her name, the blood of the Dragon and the Old Valyria, Princess of Dragonstone, and Breaker of Chains," Missandei introduced the girl, but Jon Snow could not focus on her titles he could only focus on the girl in front of him.

     She wore a red tunic with black embroidery and dragon scales, with her silver three headed dragon pin on the left side of her chest, she wore black pants and leather boots, and her hair was loose with  jewelry and bells braided into it. This was the first time Jon had ever seen the girl with silver hair, and it suited her more than black ever did; she was also taller, and looked like a woman, but he could still see the little girl he grew up with.

     The silence was broken by the princess herself, "you bastard." Ser Davos took a deep breath, thinking the girl was ready to curse at Jon. "You become King in the North and you don't think of sending me a raven," the silver girl laughed and pulled Jon into a tight hug.

     The bastard's face broke into a smile and he hugged her as tightly as he could, laughing with the girl. The two pulled away from the hug and smiled at each other before Rhaella walked towards the throne to stand besides her sister.

     "He refuses to bend the knee," Dany said to her sister in Valyrian so that the guests wouldn't understand her.

     "I told you northerners are stubborn," Rhaella smiled while she reached her sister and turned around to face Jon.

     "So, Jon Snow if you are not here to bend the knee, then why are you here?" Dany asked, her sister could tell she was losing her patience.

     "Because I need your help, and you need mine," the King in the North said, making the Targaryen twins look at each other confused.

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