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Memories of her lost ones

Rhaella raised the bow in her arm and focused, the girl took a deep breath and let go of the string

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Rhaella raised the bow in her arm and focused, the girl took a deep breath and let go of the string. The arrow landed right in front of the girl, making Robb, Theon and Jon laugh.

"I told you, girls can't shoot," Theon said laughing.

The girl turned to her friends harshly, "that has nothing to do with me not being a good archer. I just really don't care about shooting arrows," and she walked back closed to her friends.

"You don't need to know how to shoot, we will always protect you," Jon told the girl, grabbing the bow from her.

"I don't need any of you to protect me," she told them.

"Oh really?" Jon asked, smirking. "You can't shoot and you can't fight, so how are you supposed to protect yourself?" He asked, making fun of her.

"I am smarter than the three of you together. That's how I suppose I will protect myself," she said, winking at Robb and smiling. The three boys picked up their bows and arrows while laughing, and started to walk back to the castle.

"Of course you are, Little Dragon," Robb said, hugging her and pulling her towards the castle.

"Jon," she said looking at him with innocent eyes. "Will you help me practice some more?" She asked.

"I thought you didn't need to know how to shoot an arrow," he told her, smiling.

"Well, I don't, but I would like to be able to get at least one arrow in the target," she explained.

"Alright," Jon agreed, knowing he can't say no to the girl.


A great feast was happening at the great hall of Winterfell. It was Arya's Name Day, and everyone seemed to be enjoying the festivities more than Arya herself, who wanted to leave the Great Hall and go outside to train, maybe even practice sword fighting. The only thing that made the girl happy was that Jon, who saw how miserable his sister was, gave his younger sister all his attention.

Theon had just left to go after the cook's daughter, who he said couldn't take her eyes off him. So that left Rhaella and Robb sitting by themselves at the table. Robb was busy with his food while Rhaella focused on the bards singing.

"You should go," Robb told her nodding towards the singers.

"And do what?" She asked, laughing.

"Sing. You have a good singing voice." the boy said, as if it was obvious.

The truth is, Rhaella loved singing. But she hated singing around people, she would just sing around the boys, and most of the time she would do so when she was joking with them.

"No, thank you," she told him. The boy shrugged his shoulders, knowing there was no point in arguing with his friend, and the girl's eyes started traveling around the room, until they stopped in Theon, who was talking to the cook's daughter.

"When did he start caring more about some random girl than about us?" She asked Robb.

The boy followed her eyes and saw what she was looking at, "he doesn't care more about her, she just had something he wants, but he will be back to us in no time. But who needs him, when you have the heir to Winterfell with you?" Robb asked, getting up and extending his hand to his friend.

Rhaella smiled and grabbed Robb's hand, who pulled her to her feet and brought her closer to him. The heir to Winterfell pulled the girl to where the bards were and the two friends danced and laughed. They danced all night long, until the last bard left, and even then they kept dancing, until both of them felt like their feet would fall off.


Robb Stark was looking for his direwolf, Grey Wind, he was going hunting with Theon and Jon and he wanted the wolf with him. And when he couldn't find the wolf he assumed he would be with Rhaella somewhere, so the boy went to Rhaella's chambers, he expected she would be out somewhere, but nevertheless he looked in her chambers first. As he opened the door he saw something that surprised him, Rhaella sleeping on top of her covers, and Grey Wind right by her side, with his head on her pillow.

Robb looked at them for a moment, he was very glad the girl and the wolf got along together, but he never expected the wolf to like Rhae that much.

"Why are you staring?" Rhaella asked him, still with her eyes closed.

Robb laughed, "my direwolf seemed to get stolen from me, but I happened to find him here."

"He was not stolen, he wants to be here," she told him, still laying down with her eyes closed.

Robb laughed and said, "Grey Wind, come," and he whistled. The grey direwolf just lifted his head, looked at Robb and laid his head down again, making Rhaella and Robb laugh.


"I thought I would find you here," Robb said, sitting by the Targaryen girl. Robb knew the girl would be in the edge of the forest, and there she was, sitting on a tree root and looking into the forest. "What are you doing?" He asked looking in the same direction as the girl was, wanting to see what she was looking at.

"Just looking at the trees and imagining our future," Rhaella told Robb.

"Is life so dull that you have to sit in the forest and think about the future?" He asked, chuckling.

This made the girl turn her head towards Robb, "life is not dull, I just hate that I have no idea what the future holds for me."

"Well, if it makes a difference, I don't think you will stay here," Robb told her, making Rhaella turn to him in confusion. "I think you belong somewhere else, somewhere warm," he put his arms around her shoulders and Rhaella laid her head on his shoulder. "Where you could be yourself," he completed.

"I think I should be exploring somewhere. Beyond Asshai, maybe I will find some dragons there, or maybe I will just rebuild Valyria."And I picture you as the mighty Northerner King, I picture you with a crown and everything," she said, making her and Robb laugh.

Rhaella and Robb sat there for hours making up different futures for themselves, just enjoying each other's company. That afternoon was when Rhaella realized that at that moment, and for a long time after that, her home isn't a castle or chamber, but where Robb, Theon and Jon are.

Author's note:

Hi guys, I really hope you guys are enjoying! The updates will take a little longer now because I'm back to my other job this week. And I just wanted to let you know that I will be giving each chapter kind of like a "title" so I will be updating older chapters, as I have started already.
Also, I wrote this chapter listening to "happiness" by Taylor Swift and my feelings are all over the place.

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