Children's Book

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Scott decided to come along, which I was kind of glad about, mainly because it would be good to have a buffer with Sebby being around as well. Chris had been around him since the whole weekend of misunderstandings, but it would be nice to have one more gathering with someone other than just the three of us together and Scott was just that. We were only going to be there overnight and then we were flying back home. This book was not just mine, the artist of the book had needed a writer. Since we were under the same label, and this was their first piece, I was approached and thought it would be fun so I accepted. After all, there weren't too many words in it, the book was mainly for small children learning to read.

It was presented to me shortly after moving to Massachusetts and when I had gained some new reliable sources to ask their opinions on the topic. After all was said and done, it was mentioned that Chris and Sebastian and Scott had put their opinions in on the book. I wasn't in favor of using their names to benefit me, but the guys were all asked if they minded and of course they were fine with it. Everyone thought maybe it would push the interest up if children, and their parents, knew that Captain America and The Winter Soldier were part of the book even if the Marvel name or their names and suits or shields weren't in the book.

Being the friends, and also now boyfriend, that they were, Chris, Scott and Seb all wanted to at least be there, even if it was behind the scenes, when I told them about the release appearance. I was scheduled to appear for a few hours along with the illustrator to sign books and for promotion. It wasn't announced that Chris would be attending with me or that Sebby and Scott would be tagging along. That would create chaos. My worry was that it would happen anyway.

Chris wanted to at least look like he wasn't hiding our relationship and put it out in front of people whenever there was something like this. in other words, in a normal situation, a live-in boyfriend would probably attend something like this for his girlfriend to support her and Chris wanted that.  That's why we had put the minimum amount of information out there.

In the past, a few fans took things too far and posted pictures of his family or things he wasn't necessarily hiding, but just didn't feel like he needed to share. Many times, he was rumored to be with this person or that person when in actuality, he had been sitting at home with Dodger. They would dig online for any information and post what they found or what they thought they found. That's why Chris had acknowledged he had a girlfriend when we were on Jimmy before I came out with Scott for the next segment. It was a safe, controlled environment and Jimmy knew what not to say, plus Chris trusted him.

For the most part though, it had been okay for us and most of his fans seemed to be happy for us. Mainly him, I guess, since they were his fans. Eventually, very soon actually, we'd walk a carpet together. Whether it be for an awards show or a premiere for him or Scott or one of our friends. We had decided on that already. The next big event of any kind would be our coming out debut, no matter how terrified I was of it.

This event in itself had me a little nervous but I knew the routine. There was also a possibility of Scott being by my side in case anything went a little sideways. He was the one who had a history of knowing how blunt some of Chris' fans could be with relationship questions or inappropriate questions. I didn't want him to feel like he was my personal liaison and that he had to make sure he monitored his brother's girlfriend's surroundings, but it was comforting.

We packed up and set out for New York. Chris left detailed instructions with Y/K/N about Dodger and told him not to hesitate to call for any reason at any time of the day or night. Once we got to New York, I texted Seb to let him know we were there.  Even though Seb lived in New York, his fans didn't always know if he was actually home or if he was traveling so I told him to try to go unnoticed. 

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