I gotta be honest...

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We made our way outside and I told the guys I wanted to put my purse in the truck so I didn't have to keep track of it. I grabbed my ID and shoved that in the back pocket of my jeans. I was glad I wore my comfortable jeans even though there were holes throughout the front around the thighs and knees. That was more for decoration and style than it was done by being worn out. Nevertheless, they were soft and comfy to allow for the pizza I ate and the beer I was about to consume, yet snug enough to keep my ID and the phone I was about to shove in my other pocket. Plus, these were the jeans I thought my ass looked the best in so there was that too.

As I pulled my phone out of my purse I gave Scott a look to let him know I was going to tell Chris now. His eyes grew big making Chris turn to look at what made Scott's expression change. I threw my purse into the truck, shut the door, and turned to look at the guys before I spoke up. Both were now watching me, one knowing what I was going to say and one wondering what was going on.

"Chris, I need to tell you, well I feel like I should be honest with you since in my opinion anyway, we've broken the ice a little with each other during dinner and all." I really didn't know how else to say this, so I just showed him my phone case instead. Looking down at it, then back up to meet his face I spoke again. "Sorry buddy, I'm a Bucky lover. Even though by telling you this, I'm guessing I have now managed to disappoint you in the short time we've known each other, but can we still be friends?"

He looked at me with no expression. I couldn't look away but really wanted to so badly. Feeling my eyes growing bigger with fright from the fear of scaring him off, I was thinking I had definitely ruined any chance of keeping him as a possible friend whenever he was home. All of a sudden his face gave way and his mouth split open laughing a laugh he had obviously been trying to hold in. Oh thank God! He actually reached around and hugged me...tightly! Man, he smelled so good!  Scott even began to laugh and while I hugged Chris back, I could see around him to his brother who silently mouthed the words to me, "see, I told you?"

I pushed back from Chris and looked up to his face. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything before about knowing who you were. I just figured, well, that's your job and you weren't at work. Nobody asked me if I knew who y'all were so why should I have brought it up before? I will say though, I would NEVER have left with you two if I didn't know who you were. I'm a paranoid person and I don't just trust people because they look like a nice person.  Or in the case of you two,  look like models or something.  I mean look at all the animals who use their looks or scents to lure in their prey before they attack them and eat them."  A small grin tugged at the side of his mouth like he was thinking about something in particular I had said.  Trying to think back quickly at what I said, there was nothing I could think of that was too bad.  Chris pulled me back in for another small hug.  That smell was intoxicating..... then it hit me. 

Was he that perverted that the smile could have been from talking about animals luring other to 'eat them'?  As in, turning it into a what a man does to a wo-.......?  STOP!  No, that's just my perverted mind running away with the fact that THE Chris Evans was hugging me.  My mind calmed back down as he spoke up again.

"It's all good. I kind of thought I saw a few glances that may have told on you, but like you said, nobody asked you so...we're good. Except we may have to discuss why you favor Bucky over Cap."

"Well, maybe, just maybe, if we become good enough friends, I will rewatch the movies and reconsider."

"I may just take you up on that."

"I hope so." I grinned up at him and there was something different there. It was like we broke some glass wall between us. I think he was waiting to see how long it would take me to come clean. Maybe Scott knew that. I felt like Scott and I had known each other much longer than just a few hours already. Our banter was so easy. Chris and I had been conversing but that was it. Until now, his whole demeanor seemed a little different. So, maybe Scott knew Chris might open up more too if I came clean.

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